HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY Ended September 30, 1979TABLE OF CONTENTS Auditor's Opi.!iion Balance Sheet - All Funds Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Fund Balances - All 17unds Statement of Changes in Financial Position - All Funds General Long-ierm Debt Service Recluirements - by Years Analysis of Changes in General Long-term Debt Schedule of Temporary Investments Analysis of Taxes Receivable Analysis of Organizational Costs Analysis of Changes in General Fixed Assets Notes to Financial Statements supple me^^ tar'y Infor~maL i on: Certificate of Board of Directors Questionnaire to be Co~npleted by Auditor Insurance Coverage Schedule Number - Page - 1. n 2- 3 Board Members, Iley Aclrnj nrstralive Personnel and Legal Counsel 2200 FORT \VORTH NA~L BANI< BLDG. FORT WORT!-1. TEXAS 76102 Board of Directors Denton County Municipal Utility District No. I Denton County, Texas We have examined the ba.latlce siieets of all funds of Denton County Municipal Utility District No. I as of March 31., 1979, all funds' related statements of revenues, expenses and fuocl i~alances arid changes in financial position for the year then ended and the related exhibit and schedul.es (Exhibit D and Schedules A-l through A-5). Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing sl:anda.rds and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the ci.rcumstances. In our opinion, the accotiipanyiiig iiinatlcial statements examined by us present fairly the financial position of Lhe Denton County Municipal Uti1i:ty District No. l for all. funds as of Mar'ch 31, 1979 and the results of its operati.ons and the changes in :finan- cial position for %he year then ended, and in our opinion, Exhibi.t D and Schedules A-l through A-5 present fairly the information stated therein, in conformity with generally accep1:ed accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that o:f the preceding year. Our examination has been made priniar'ily :for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the fi.nanc:ial statements, taken as a whole. Tlie accompany i.ng supplementary io:forma t i.on j.s prese~?ted :for analysis purposes anci is not necessary for a fair presenta- Li.on of the financial itniio~~rnal:iotl referred to in the preceding paragraph. It has beeti sub,jected to the tests and other audi.ting procedures applied in the examit~ai-ion of the financi.al statements rnenl.ioned above and, in OLII. opinion, i.s fairly stated in all respects tnaterial in reial-ioi~ to the financial. statements taken as a whole. - szassv ,OlO& 19JO PaPUDB 201 UOISTAO.td h-v aTnparras :b PUZ E ~310~ - S~~SSV .~aq~o pun a~q~auolu~ slassy pasTj jo.tauag Ie>o& saaj Zu~.1aau!3u3 UlalsKS aaou joio ~~196~ .ladas W~'LS~S .!alo& Puei 5-8 njnoaqas - (~sog ic) saassv paxrd ~ciauag s,ass\r IUJ.i.l"3 TBlOL sa~qcn~aaay punj.la~u~ E-V PUS 2-V sojnpaclag - ancianay pan.l>av piin aiqanla~ay sluna~jv sruaiulsanu1 K.ci!.toriiils,l, poi! qss~ lolo& Z-v ajnpaqas - !SO3 1P 'SIUJIIIISJAUI IIJP.1OdUla.L palJ!.I1Sa8 qsc3 Inlo& qsa3 pa,a~.t?sa~ gsn3 pa,~~.,,sa.,ug :,(sc3 slassv 1ua.t.in3 - SL3SSV EXBIBIT A DENTON COUNTY hlUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS As of hlarc!~ 31, 1979 (Coni inued) LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Cul.i.ent. Livllil irles ACCOUOLS Payoblc and Accrued Eipenscs Rciundoble Deposlis 1nrel.iuiid Payables Toiul Current Livbiiiiies Ueierred Incomc Bonded Debt Payablc - Scbcdule :$-I and Exhibit D; NoLe 7 Total Llablliiies Fund Balances Unallocarcd Fund Balances Allocaied from Nei Tas Revenues Ailocared from Salc of Bonds Conrlibured by Devclopcr Tornl Fund Bulonccs Tornl Liubilicics and Fund Onlnnces Memorandum Tulnl Genc-rn! General Long-iersl l:i red Debi Fund Asser Fund $l.530,000 $ Yii ,530,000 S Deb1 Gcnc,';il Service 'Tali Opcrnr log Fund Furld - - Fund Sec vccoinpacrylng "ores -3 - . ! 52 w Y 5. U UZ, c_Ie ccm mC1- on. Z - >13n 5. L .. - - _Ins -ZL g"" m s 2mm em" D. Z *Y: :%@ ZY L j: -: w X Y 222 3WU 0 > "Y L Z e o C 2 z Z U C 0 Z Y z w COO . i "7 0 S" Y O-. m m w: 0 U1 V1" irnm rOT: g$E ""I W m >Y Ci 0 .. : ..>e m", 0 UIC C U a O- m.4 an x 2 Y Th.-n" m 0' Y ' aw a c sn o i.m E 0 WL - %WE -- .i eo u a o -2 act ma 2 2 "' 0 " CZ CGI I O.,V 0 0 .-." C Z i ma- I du 0 o clc Z 0 LS LO L 0.- -Em -oa> 0 0 mu G.. 0' "OW i 0 1" C =L Em m au 5 ZY EZY = 0 0 c 0 YIY Y m- 3 mo = ? - .% C CI - _I mo m 8 - I -w 0 n- m 0 mo 033 mm -- m C e- - m m *;. momo -*,om n7m>7 ---. 8-mm* moc - (" n - *> - h n ?. "2 7 n m . 8- ,- - ir c m - . L? --. n "- mowwmmmn-o eh-"",e--Nn amnh-mCminm - - - - - . - - - - ?"m7i(mo11("7 -4 3- :x. mnomrlmr~mo-om, cc-mliicnrac-0, Xmnhim-%"SO-N .*--- - ----. ?nma-IT:o-irmT *ii- w- :*: ir ," m - c 4 + : m w W . N M :A. I- d :<= m m n . m * s :,: m o LO . a Nm - ii- %. ^ W . 8" -i 4 c- '3 :;: . "7 -i : m m n m + :a ;i . m a 0, ii; * :, m . m " - il - * m . m " - :* q,m7 mam ooo -.. 7.7 --- rn :s: EXBIBIT B DENTON COUNTY hlUNIClPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 STATEMENT OF IIEVENUES. EXPENSES AND I'UND BALANCES - ALL FUNDS Toral Nan-ope~aring Expenses Incoiile (LOSS) Betore Opcrnting Ti.;iosfcr.s Opevilring Ti.ansIrr.s [l'nu Rcvcnuea) Nei lncarnc (Loss) - Noif 5 Fund Bnlanccs ar April 1, 1978 Fund Balnnccs ai hl;li.cb 31, 1979 Total - General Operating Fund General Debi General :ricmoi.anduin Flscd Consiruclion Service Tax Operating Wuier Serer Tuial Asscr Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Servlcc Sel.vlcc Oillei. - - SCE. accompanying noics -5- EXtIIBIT C UENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. I STATEhlENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITLON - ALL FUNDS For the yenr ended March 31, 1879 SoUrceS Of CiiSI, Cilsll Receipts from 0pci.uLiuns Ciisli Disburseniei~i s for Opcvutions: ContrvcL Labor llaintcnunce nud Rcpairs ilcL~r Expense Tnp Connection Expense Professional Fees Service Account CollccLion Bool<lreepini: Utilities Recurring Opcfnrin~ Expenses Tax Assessor-Collector DcbL SBI.Y~CC Erpcnsc Toinl Cnsh Disbursemenls fnr Operations Net Ciisli from Opei'alioos Cusrom~r DCPOS~~S Increase (Decreusef 181 ciasli Cash nnd Tcmporiiry Invcstmeiit Bulvncc aL April 1, 1978 Cash and Temporary lnvestnieiii Balaiice at hlai'cb 31, I979 Debt. Geoer;il blemarandum Construcrion Sci'vlcc Tax Op~l'ibtiiiq ToLul Fund Fund Fund Fund See ;iccampnnyiog nolcs -6- EXI-IIUIT D DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS - BY YEARS As 01 March 31, 1979 Due Series 1976 During Fiscal Pr i.ncipa.1 Interest Due Years Due (March 1 and Ending (March 1) September 1) 1980 1; $ 137,675 1981 137,675 1982 15,000 137,675 1983 1.5,000 136,363 1984 20,000 135,050 1985 20,000 133,300 1986 25,000 131,550 1987 25,000 129,363 1988 30,000 127,175 1989 30,000 124,550 1990 35,000 121., 925 1991 ~10,000 1.18,863 1992 40, 000 1.15,363 1993 45,000 111,863 1994 50,000 1.07,925 1995 55,000 103,550 1996 60, 000 98,738 1.997 65,000 93,488 1998 70,000 87,800 1999 80,000 81,675 2000 85,000 74,475 2001 95,000 66,825 2002 105,000 58,275 2003 115,000 48,563 2004 125,000 37,925 2005 135,000 26,363 2006 150,000 13,875 Totals $1,53O,OOQ $2,697,867 Cash atid Temporary Investme11 t s Aal.ances a.t March 31, 1979 Tax Fund $1 98,059 Debt Service Fund 127,113 Total $325,172 -- To t a1 Annual Requirements SCIII3DULE A-2 DENTON COUNTY LlUNICiPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. i SCllEDULE 01' PEIIPOIIIIILY LNVESVLIENTS For Lllr year clldcd Lltil~cb 31, 1979 Debl Service 1Kil"d - Cercif icatc of Deposit Ceriilicate oi Deposit Ccr'i ificiiie of Depasi t Cel'L if icatc of Dcposi L Cerriiicnre of Deposil Toiiris Tar Fuod CeriiSiCnLC of D~posir CcrLificnic of Deposit To~ilis To~nl - All Funds hliiLur~Iy Uniatices ai Date End of Yeor 2-28-80 6.1, BOO 5126,500 SCHEDULE A-3 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 ANALYSIS OF TAXES RECEIVABLE As of March 31, 1979 Taxes Receivable at Beginning of Year 1978 Year-original Tax Roll Less Abatements to Original Tax Roll Adjusted Tax Roll. Total to be Accounted For Less Collections: Current Year Prior Years' Taxes Taxes Receivable at End of Year Taxes Receivable by Years Assessed Valuation Summary 1979 1978 Property Valuations: Land $15,570,387 $12,515,967 Improvements 4,189,163 1,700,840 Total Valuat~ons $19,759,550 u16,807 - Tax Rate Per $LOO Valuatiol~ -- $0.95 Tax Year: From: January 1: 1978 lo December 31, 1978 Percent of the Assessed Valuation Lo Fair Market Value J 00.0% Percent of Current Tases Collected to Current Tases Levied 88.3% Percent of Current and Delinquenr, Taxes Collected to Current and Delinquent Taxes Outstandi.ng at the Beginning of I-he Tax Year 86.5% SCIIEDULE A-4 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. l ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL COSTS For the year ended March 31, 1979 Bala~lces at Begi.nning and End of Year Organizational Costs - Creation Period Engineering and Surveys Filing Fees, Licenses, Legal Noti.ces, and Permi.ts Legal Fees Director Fees and Per Diem Other Costs Total Organizational Costs - Creation Period Organizational. Costs - Construction Period Legal Fees Financial Consulting Fees Operati.ng Expenses Bond Interest Expense Amortized Bond Discount Total. Organizational. Costs - Construction Period Total Organizational Costs A~nounts Provi.ded : For District Organizatj.ona1 Costs - Crealiion Period by Construct ion Fund For Di.stri.ct Orga~lizatio~lal Costs - Construction Period: By Construction Fund By Debt Service Fund Total District 0rgani.za.ri.onal. Costs - Construction Period Total Provided SCHEDULE A-5 DENTON COUNTY h4UNICTPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS For the year ended March 31: 1979 Land Water System Sewage System Drai.nage System Engineering 1- 4ees Totals Addit ions Provided by: Construction Fund Contributions by Developers Balances at Beginning and End of Year $ 23,675 380,839 429,730 31 5,198 128,171 'Total DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS hiarch 31. 1979 Note I: Creation of District - Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 1 was created by an order of the Texas Water Rights Commission on March 4, 1975 and confirmed by the electorate of Denton County Municipal Uti1i.t~ District No. 1 at a confirmation election held on October 7, 1975. The Board of Directors held its first meeting on April 24, 1975, and the first bonds were sold on June 8, 1976. Note 2: Basis of Accounting - The exhibits and supporting schedules contained in this report were prepared on the accrual basis of accounting except for the statement of changes in finan- cial position--all. funds, which is a cash basis statement. F~~rti~ermore, tax revenues, purchases of supplies for inven- tory and bond interest are noi: accrued and the amounts shoivn for these items I-ef1.ect cash basis accounti.ng treat- ment. General fi.xed assets are not dep~'ec.iai;ed in accorcl- arice wit11 suggestions of the Texas Water Rights Cornmissi.on. Note 3: Uotid L~lterest - In accovda~ice with the bond i.esol~~.~tion dated October 29, 1975, a portion of the bond proceeds was deposited into the Debt Service Fund for rlie payment of bond i literest diiring the cousl~~~~c tion period. Tilis h(;lcjd i.nl:erest has been capitalized as an orgaliizarjonal cost 1'01' llie colistruction peri.od. DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILlTY DlSTRlCT NO. l NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEdIENTS March 31, 1979 Note G: Compliance wit11 Debt Servi.ce Requiremenrs - The provisions of the bond resolution relating to debt service requirements have bee11 111et and the cash allocated for these purposes is sufficient to meet debt service requirements for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1980. The ability of the District to meet f~lture debt service require~nents depends primarily on successful collection of taxes levied against property with- in the District and operations of the waterworks and sanitary sewer system. Note 7: Rede~nption of Bor~ds - The outstanding bonds of Denton Cou~~ty Mu~licipal Utility District- No. 1 are callable for redemption prior to maturi-ty at the option of the District. The bonds rnay be called in w11ol.e or in part for the purpose of reti~re- rneut or refunding, or both, at par j~n addition to unpaid accrued i.nterest. DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DlSTRICT NO. 1 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS March 31, 1979 Note 8: Water and Sewer Service Rates - The Denlon County Municipal Utili.ty District No. l has establisiled the foilowi~?g water and sewer service rates wl~icl~ l~ecnme effec-tive as of April 'rap Fee $275 .OO Sewer Inspect ion Fee $ 15.00 Water Servi~ce Only Treated Water - l?i.rsl 8,000 Gallons of Water Used - Minimum Rill $ 8.00 Each 1,000 Gallons of Water Used Thereafter 1.00 Untreated Water - First 8,000 Gallons of Water Used - Minimum Bill Each 1,000 GalLons of \\'atel- Used Thereafter to 15,000 Gallons of Water Used Each 1,000 Gallons of Water Used Thereafter Standby Fee Per Month Sewer Charge Per Month SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION CERTIFICATE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Denton County Municipal. Utility Districl. No. 1 Name of Water District Dentoll County We, the undersigned, do hereby certify ihal tile audit report or the above named Water District for the fisca1 year elided March 31, 1979 was received by the Board of Directors on the 1979 and was reviewed and appproved disapproved at a meeti~-ig of the Board of Directors of the Water Disrrict on the , 1979. Signature of Board P~,esideut Signature 01 Board Secretary QUESTIONNAlRE TO BE COMPLETED BY AUDITOR For ihe year ended Mal,~h 31, 1979 Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 1 Name of Water District Dent on Coun 1 y 1. At the time that your firin was engaged by the Board of Directors of t,he above-named water distri.ct to perform this audit, was a copy of the Water District Accounting Manual. made available to you? x -- Yes No 2. The Water District Accounting Manual prescribes account- ing principles and policies. After taking these i.nto consideration, did the local water district: a. Maintain a proper cLassiPication of expenses and revenues? x -- Yes No b. Record expenses and revenues on the basis of full accrual accounting except for the specific revenue and expense items required to be maintained on the cash basis by t,he Water District Accour~ling Manual? x -- Yes No c. Maintain the double eiitry systelii of accounting? x -- Yes NO d. Keep a general ledger in accordance with the ~ioiform classifj.cat:ion of general iedger' accoui~~s presc~'ibed in Wal.er District Acco~tliting Manua.l.? x -- Yes No e. Adhere to other ~rovisioi~s of Water District Accounting Manual? . . -- Yes No 3. Did the Board of Directors of 1:iie iir;~i.e~, dis1:rict i.n~pose on vour firm anv audit renuirenienis in addj~tion lo those rnillinlurn audi1: i~eclili.~~eineiiis of llic! Water Distriicl Accoui~t i~ig Manua:l. '7 s -- Yes No QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY AUDITOR For the pear ended March 31: 1979 (Continued) 4. Did you identify, duri.ng the course of your exaini~lation of the financial statements of the water district, any areas pertaining to accounting matters in which action should be taken by the Board of Di1,ectors of the wa.l.er disr:~ct? x -- Yes NO 5. Did you obtain representation fro111 I:he Uoarcl of Directors of the water district that all records of - the water district were made available to you for your examination? -- x Yes No 6. Did the water district: a. Use the construction fund, tax fund and debt service fund only for purposes authorized by the Board of Directors of the water district and/or withiu the provisions of applicable bo~id resolu- t ious? x -- Yes No b. Properly segregate and rnaii1t:ain the required amount of cash escrowed by the Texas Water Rights Commissio~~ or disburse (-he escrowed cash according to the terms prescribed by the Texas Water Rights Cornmission'? c. Do business o111y ~ith Ijirn~s or corporai:io~~s in which members of 1:he Board of Directors had no pecuniary .in i- erest? d. Observe the co~~ditioiis 1'01. obtaining grants, gifts, etc., or observe agreements uli.th govern1nen1:a.l agencies i.'or rhu purpose of securing fiincis or services? S -- Yes No \7 ~. -- Yes No 0: See Page 6 of 6 for i-:rp!:iliat ioi~ ol' !.efereilites (I. - (5) -1st- QUESTIONNAlRE TO BE COMPLETED BY AUDITOR For rhe !leal, ended March 31, 1979 6. Did che water district: (continued) e. Have a contract for Social Security coverage for its employees with the Tesas Departinent of Public Welfare, Social Security Division? -- (5) Yes No f. Make remittances of Social Security taxes according to the terms of the contract for Social. Security coverage with the Social Security Division of the Texas Department of Public Welfare? g. Deposit receip~s to the proper funds kept by the approved depository bank? h. Draw checks only on funds approved by the Board of Directors and signed by authorized personnel? 7. Do you issue a management letter' to administrative officials of the water discrict aL leasr annually which sets forth your commeuts (based on rnat,\:ers which came to your attention duri ng YOLII. examina- tion) for strengthening internal accounting controls procedures? If Yes is checked for question 7: a. M'ere your re(:,oillmei1darions esplai~~erl to and discussed mi th admii,isr rai lve of l'i.cial s of the water district'? (5) -- Yes No X Yes X -- Yes No x -- Yes No x -- Yes NU b. The date of youl. Inosi 1'el:eilr n1an:lgeirient Let~er was July 22, !Y77. Page - -1 of - G QUESTIONNAIRE TO RE COkIPLETED BY AUDITOR For the year ended March 31, 1979 (Continued) 7. (continued) c. Is there evidence indi.cating that your previous year(s) reconimendaiions have been or are being implemented? -- x Yes No d. Has a copy of the management letter been filed with the Texas Water Rights Commission -- x Yes No 8. The Texas Water Code malies specific provisions relating to security provided by depository banks. After consideration of the applicable laws pertain- i.ng to the speci.fi.c water district, dj.d the depository bank provide adequate security of the correct type? S -- Yes No Please indicate for - each depository: (2) a. The name of the depository bank - Fi~rst National. Bank, Fort Worth; b. Amount of F.D.Z.C. coverage (i.f member baiilr) $40,000 ; c. Amount of bond or other security pledged as of the end of the fiscal year $469,034 ; d. Largest cash balance $ (3).-; e. Date of largest cash baiaoce (3)-; f. The arnoun~ of bond or seci~l'izy pledged at the t inie of the i.arges t casl-r bal.ailce (excluding F.D. L.C. coverage) $ (.3)- b. The county ~:ax assessor-~~ l lc~i:!.or Page - 5 ol' - G QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY AUDITOR 1r'oi. the year ended March 31.: 1~979 (Continued) 9. (coot inued) c. A city or other Las assessor-collector x d. More than one of the above 1.0. Was the tax assessor-collector bo~lded as 1,eclitired by law? x -- Yes No 11.. What was: a. The tax assessor-collector bonded for? b. The greatest amount of the district's taxes in the tax assessor-collector's possession at any one time? c. The frequency of tax receipts deposits with the bonded depository? (check one) (I) Daily (2) Weekly (3) Monthly d. The percent of the assessed va.luation to fair market valiie'? 12. We (check one): a. Actua1l.y exa~~iitled r11e records of fhe tax assessor-collector. b. Received wrii~ieti i-o~lfirniaiion for tas data Prom the <:ax iissessor-collLec tor. x 13. As a resu:Lt, mere !ocaJ i:ax i.evei~ues (:i nclucijng delinquer~l ta:.:es aiid iln1el.esi atid i~enallries 011 {:axes) jproperly se;,:ira!ed for debt siii.vi~ce? -- :. Ye..; No Page - G of - G QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY AUDITOR For the year ended March 31, 1979 (Continued) 14. Was the water district in compliance ivith applicable bond resolutions with the general or special legislation under wl~ich the district was created and with the specific sratutes excerpted and included in Lhe Legal Compliance Guidelines in Section 70-03-1 of the - Water District Accounting kianual'? 15. Other Commenls of the Auditor: None (I No i~~tergove~~~~mental brans:lcti.ons. (2) The Disl:r.ict also maintains a tas depository account at Jetero Bank, Wesl.:ield, Texas. It i.s l11e polj~cy of the Di.stric~ that deposits held in the account are not to esceed F.D. I .C. coverage of $40,000. (3) Based on audit review, security pledged exceeded cash and cem- porary ii~vesl:nient bal~ances at a:II times. (4) Receipts are deposiceci as reie~ived into di: accouut. (5) The D!~str ic~ has one einployee whc~ is exenlip!. f ro111 Sol: i al Secui'ily coverage. X -- Yes No - F E > 7 - r c *. = - > < OF mG 5: 5 1C" 1 I i-i cc 0 c 0 Y' I )Drnnm~i-. --- F a, - 05 "r 2x0 100'0"' rc P m - x .: 0C3OClr. 0 2 01s 9. '7 z>m i 0 -i PO1 -." 0 .: 0 z 00 -m rrmm .: cr mcrmcr.: mr r pp - 0 --n om 1 -+. -.:+.?'c .- m 2 r. z- rn -0 am -m= m ?O n <- I C = c- 0 5V.O m.: .:-or- t-" : " *. -. -. m c rn m- c = > r-: O -r- - COO" -. -- CILI.-DL. EP + aio Y 0 d* .:7W -or-i OD Y CZF C G' - - v . I =ci:;- ?-; 3103- -. - 0-0 E=zzw5$ - . -= V"3P" -P 'C _iC 0 00"~ VLn m om -. = KO < 31: 0 4" - C - : grn; Y-Cm -0 - .: n " '7 "30- "0 m Y U n -em CrC" Zr- C '" - "'0 -0 ' =- - rn -. 0.. 300 0 3 - c13 a-. 01 0 F-0 -C - ViW, rr > - 0 ", OF- c< 0 om -*. - P L.-f - -1- CS ;-"a m C-i . 0 5 PYI-: C" 0 m-im a r. - CP ci ~7 - GY m r * .L Y -7 n -- a r L - " < 3 c* m ,L 0 I-, 0 r 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 -101 5 m m m m m -4 4 C" -3 S3-i - "PO a c &? LZ - i i - 0.: w ' w --- o <. -. rr -. $0 n i -4412 1-1 "am 4 -1 4 2 " -4 -4 ,om m ILI m m m r) - m n m % r. 1 m : ii- b. 7 L* c ", " "i 0 Oi 0 0 m ++- -- $3 * ' b. -. '0 -0 0 00 00 0 0 O*c.-c , P? PO 0 0 0 0 0 :ii D 'ii 0m000 om 0Y 0 C omoco 0C 00 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r - [I? " C C c .< 7 ? 7 a nmm m ? - ".:" [I? L" i? [I? 2 y ?. 0 * 0 0 O 00 O " C " C .. C 5g;g $ [I? - 0 0 0 csi zzz Elb 5zc G -. -. ; 0 - = DCNTON COUNTY hlUNICIPAL U'PILITY DISTRICT NO. i BOARD LIEhIBCRS, IKEY ADhlINlSTRnTIVE PCRSONNEI. ,AND LEGAL COUNSEI hlurch 31, 1879 ~ ~ llcsicy Wayne 0bet.mclci' 207 Ook!amnl. Dl'lvc Ruthiiolic, Texas 76262 Dennis C. Diiiriiorid 302 invcrness Dr. Roaiiolrc, 'Texas 76262 Scot L T. hlassic i15 Inverness Dv. Ronnohc, Tcrns 76262 Ronald J. Lowry 119 cai'nousiio Roanoke, Tesas 76262 Willis F. Brown 1200 Sun,",; t For$, lYor.ih. Texas LlcGomn, Godirey, Decker. hlchlacliin, Sb ipirian & hlcClunc 1800 Corsscl.cc Building Fort Worlh. Teras Tc iin aeIai ioriiiilip wiih hli~jor of Office B00t.d hleinbci's ~esidcni Land Olrliers, Cngirlefr, Elected and Annuri of Ai.101.11cy and 7:11 Expircs Sulni-y Title Districi? Assessnr-Cullc~ior - 1- 2-77 Per Diein i'i-esldcn!. Ycs Nalle 4- 7-79 Date ii11.cd Per Dics Vii~ Presidenl Yea Pc- 8. D i eili Secl~e~lv~I Yes Treesurer Pcr Diclii Divcci.or Yes Diairicr Le~nl Counsel Fees Paid $11,9'iS NO