HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY Ended September 30, 1980DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND PROJECTED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1980 TVILLIS 17. J;ROTVN Cl?llTlFIBII I~UULIC ACCOUNT:\ST DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OFDENTONCOUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND PROJECTED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YE-!& ENDING MARCH 31, 1980 INDEX Page No. - Accountant's Letter Projected Balance Sheet Statelnellt of Projected Operations and Fund Balances Projection of Operating Revenues Statement of Projected Changes in Financial Position Notes Pertaining to Projected Financial Statements Supple~nentary Forms and Information Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 IVljLLIS F. BROWN CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTAiiT JICZIIDCR OF TFlX A3lERlCAS INSTITUTE OF CEKPII'IW PUIILIC ACCOUh'T,\NTS SUhIl3IIT OFFICE PARK 1200 SUIlIbIIT, SUITE 600 FORT TVOR'I'E, TEXAS 7G102 - 817. 335.6139 April 4, 1979 Board of Directors Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 1 of Denton County, Texas Fort Worth, Tesas I have completed a planning budget Tor the Denton County Municipal Utility District No. 1 Systeln Fund. The accompanying statements of projected operations and projected cash flow for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1980 and the related projected balance sheet as of the respective year then encling reflect the projected operating results, cash flow and financial condition of the System Fund after giving effect to the assumptions as set forth in the notes to the projected financial statements. Since the information presented in these afore~nentionec1 statements is of a forecast nature, it is not susceptible to auditing procedures and accordingly I do not express anopinion on its accu- rateness. Also, any forecast of future events is subject to lxlaily uncertainties and to the extent the bases for assumptions change, future results will vary from the projections.. Accordingly, I can give no assurance thatactual results willcorrespond tothe assump- tions made andtherefore cantake no responsibility or make any rep- resentation that projected future results will actually be achieved. Certified Public Accountant Schedule 1 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OFDENTONCOUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET MARCH 31, 1980 Current Assets Cash and Tenlporary Investinents Accounts Receivable (Note 2) Total Current Assets Total Assets Current Liabilities Accounts Payable (Note 3) Security Deposits Payable (Note 4) Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Balances Unallocated Fund Balance Total Fund Balances Toial Liabilities and Fund Balances Schedule 2 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OFPROJECTEDOPERATIONSANDFUND BALANCES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1960 Operating Income Tap Income: Water Taps (Schedule 3) $51, 910 Less Cost of Installation (Note 13) 32, 500 $ 19,410 Water & Sewer Service i 144,003 $163,413 Operating Espenses Salaries & Wages Contract Labor Maintenance & Repairs - Contract Fuel BT Lubricants Chemicals Small Tools Maintenance & Repairs - Materials - In-house Meter Expense U~lcollectible Accounts Workers ' Cornpensation State Unemploylnent Tax Legal Engineering Auditing Management & Consulting Service Account Collection B~okkeeping Legal Notices & Publications Printing & Office Supplies Postage Telephone Utilities Insurance & Surety Eoi~cl Premiunls Travel Fi I'cr Dicnl Rent - Ecluipment Rent - Loclc B3>: (C oniinued) DENTON COUNTY A/iUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OFDENTONCOUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND STATEMENTOFPROJECTEDOPERATIONSANDFUNDBALANCES FOR TI-IE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1980 (Continued) Totals Brought Farward: Operating Income Operating Expenses Net Income Fund Balances, March 31, 1979, Actual Fund Balances, March 31, 1980 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OFDENTONCOUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND PROJECTION OF OPERATING REVENUES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1980 HOUSES VACANT LOTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Billing Billing Entities Amount Entities Amount Month Bud - Act - Budget Actual Bud - Act - Budget Actual April, 1979 529 - $ 2,645 $ 135 $; 1,060 $ May 493 - 2,465 156 - 1,264 June 473 - 2,365 165 - 1,320 July 475 - 2,375 167 - 1,336 August 537 - 2,685 161 - 1,286 September 532 - 2,660 150 - 1,200 October 530 - 2, 650 136 - 1,088 November 515 - 2,575 135 - 1,080 December 505 - 2,525 134 - 1,072 January, 1980 495 - 2,475 134 - 1,072 February 490 - 2,450 -- 134 - 1,072 March 475 - 2,375 134 - 1,072 Note 6 Note 7 Schedule 3 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND PROJECTION OF OPERATING REVENUES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR EKDING MARCI-I 31, 1960 RESIDENTIAL USAGE Water . Billing Usage in Total Water & Entities '000 Gals Sewer Amount Bud Act Bud Act Budget Actual - - - - Total Lots B illed Bud Act - - Note 8 Note 9 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OFDENTONCOUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND PROJECTION OF OPERATING REVENUES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1980 (Continued) DEVELOPER ACCOUNTS GOLF Water Usage Water E: Sewer Water Usage Month March 31, 1979 April, 1979 M a-jr June July Augus t Septe~nber October November December January, 1980 February March - in '000 Gals Amount in '000 Gals Budget Actual Buclget Actual Budget Actual 8,693 -- -- $10,043 S -- 77,500 Note 10 Note 11 GROSS TOTAL WATER/ OPERATING COURSE SEWER SERVICE TAP FEES REVENUES Water Usage No. of Aniount Amount Meters Amount Budget Actual Budget Actual Bud Act B~~dget Actual Budget Actual -- Note 12 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OF DENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND STATEMENT OF PROJECTED CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION FOR TI-IE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 1980 Sources of Cash Cash Receipts from Operations Security Deposits Total Cash Provided Application of Cash Cash Disbursements for Operations Total Cash Applied Increase in Cash and Temporary Invcstlnents Cash Balance at March 31, 1979 Cash and Tc~nporary Inr~estments Balance at March 31, 1980 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 OFDENTON COUNTY, TEXAS SYSTEM FUND NOTES PERTAINING TO PROJECTED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31; 1980 Note 1 The following comments are in regard to general information pertain- ing to the presentation and explanation of the projected financial statements. The word "District" used in this report will refer to the Denton County Municipal Ut-ility District No. 1 System Fund, only since no other Funds have been included in this budget report. The word "Developer" shonld be construed to mean The Trophy Club Estates. The District submits water ancl sewer bills on approximately the 15th of each month for water and sewer service through the end of the preceding month. All bills are clue the first of the month following the date of billing. Note 2 The Accounts Receivable balance was estimated using as a guideline a turnover ratio colnputed from boolc figures of the fiscal year ending March 31, 1979. Note 3 Accounts Payable includes trade accounts payable and accrued expenses. The balance was estimated using as a guideline a turnover ratio derived from book figures of the fiscal year ending March 31, 1979. Note 4 A security cleposit of $15. 00 is charged each single-fan~ily home at the time a resident moves in. A deposit of $75.00 is also required of all builders at the time a water tap is installed. This money is held in escrow to assure prolllpt payment of all charges for water and sewer services and con- sequently is not available to the District for meeting operating expenditure recluiren~cnts. Notes PcrLaining to Projccied Financial Statements (Continued) Note 5 The forecast of expenses was obtained from employees of the Developer, the Attorney, Engineer, Bookkeeper and Operator for the District. Expense accounts were assigned to these individuals for determining appropri- ate arnounts for budget purposes based on each individual's experience and access to information pertaining to the functional areas represented by the various accounts. Note 6 The water revenue from vacant lots co~lsists of a standby charge of $5. 00 per lnonth per lot which covers a lot owner's prorata share of the rnx. c 113- tenance and upkeep of the water and sewer system which is available for their usc whenever they desire to be conllected to the system. Note 7 "Houses Uuder Construction" includes houses colllpleted but not sold as of the encl of ally particular month. An $8. 00 rate is applied to the number of billing entities at t11c end of each month which assumes a inaximum monthly water usage of 8, 000 gallons. Note 6 Water usage is based on actual usage experienced for the year endecl March 31, 1979 witl> adjust~nents for anticipated usage during budget year .. Note 9 The billing rates charged residential users are based on those charged for the use of cl~emically treated water, which are as follo\vs: $8.00 for -0- through 6, 000 gallons of water used per month $1.00 per 1, 000 gallons of water used per month over 8, 000 gallons A se\.ier rate of $5. 00 per month is charged to each residential. water user. A residential user, for billing purposes, is described as anyone \vhr, has purchased a home or co~npletecl the building of his o\7i11 home ancl movecl in. Note 10 The Developer Accou~~ts consist of the follov~ing billing entitics ancl the water usage ol each is measurecl by a separate mctcr. The water usage b~tclgetecl for ea.ch entity is a projection of the previous yeal.'s usagc. Notes Pertaining to Projected Financial Siaten~ents (Continued) Note 10 (Contd. ) Clubliouse Sales Office Men's Locker Room Women's Locker Room Pro Shop Maintenance Barn Swimming Pool Bulk Water Sales for watering Trophy Club easements ancl Indian Creek medians Three Trophy Club C.I.A. center islands Note 11 The water used on the Golf Course is "untreated water1' ancl therefore is billed with a different rate structure than the one used for residential users. Billing amounts are computed as follows: $8.00 for -0- through 8, 000 gallons of water used per manth $1.00 per 1,000 gallons of water used per ll-~onth over 8,000 gallons tl~rougll 15, 000 gallons $ .20 per 1,000 gallons of water usecl per month over 15,000 gallons The budgeted amounts of water to be uscd on Golf Coursc are based on the prior year's actual usage. Note 12 Gross Tap Fees are computed on budgeted installation of 179 meters at $290 per installation. Note 13 Cornputation of tap installation cost: Ratio of short to long taps for FYE 3-31-79: 61 short : 30 long = 2 : 1 Average cost of contracted service for tap connection: 2 short taps @ $140 = $280 llongtap @$315 = $315 $595 ;. 3 = $200 Average material cost per short or long tap - 6 5 Notes Pertaining to Projectecl Financ~al State~nents (Cont~nucd) Note 13 (Contd.) One water tap will serve two adjacent lots. It is therefore necessary to determine out 01 the total number of meters to be installed 11o\v Inany adjacent meter installations will be involved in order to compute the total tap connection cost. Computation of adjacent installations using FYE 3-31 -79 data: Number of l-neters installed 143 100% Number of taps installed 91 64 - Number of adjacent installations used 52 - Zh - - Number of meters budgeted to be installed for FYE 3-31-80 Less number of adjacent installations to be used (179 x 36%) 6 4 - Nu~nber of tap co~lnections required - 1 1 5 - Total tap connection cost: 115 Caps @ $265 = $30,500 Plus estimated increase in costs 2,000 SUPPLEMENTARY FORMS AND INFORMATION Deanroll (Ccarnu1t-y blnraicipal Utility Dislric-E No. 1 . . P. 0. Box 554 Fort Worth. Texas 76101 (817) 335-6240 February 5, 1977 I an1 enclosing a list of items that will be needed for pre- paration of the operating budget for the Systenl 17unnl for- the fiscal year ending March 31, 1930. I have also included a page for determining -the operstinx expenss3 of the Tax Fund. Your cooperation in helping to prepare the budge-t is soli- cited where your na;na appaars alongside a particular data itciil, The list provides the following areas ol information to sup- port the preparation of the budget: 1. Person rssponsible for obtaining the da-La. 2. , Description of data requirad with spaces for recording the desired information. 3. Identification of person +iho actually pro- vided such information. 11.. Source f roi~i which infornra Lion ria s obta iiled (i.e. land utilization s.tucly, sales pro jec- tionr;, englnoering data, best estin~atcrs, pro- jectioas based or! accounting records, ctc.) Please lc-t 111s lino:~ if you r~esd further infornation or explan- ation of any area of the budgzt. DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 Data Neecled for Preparation oi an Operating Budget for The System Fund to Cover tile Fiscal Year April 1, 1979 through March 31, 1960 Persun/Group Responsible For Obtaining Information Data Pertaining to Revenue Projection (Contcl. ) Tropiiy Club 5. Water usage by Trophy Club accounts (except Golf Course) per month (in thousands oi gallons): Clubhouse Apr 1979 Oct 1979 . . May 1979 Noir 1979 ,. .p i ._ , .. Jun 1979 Dec 1979 * -1 : " 5; ., . \-. Jul 1979 Jan 1980 ,<'\. - hug 1979 Feb 1960 Sep 1979 Mar 1960 Sales 0"' LLIC~ Apr 1979 Oct 1979 - ?day 1979 Nov 1979 - JUII 1 979 Drc 1979 Jul 1979 Jan 1980 Aug 1979 Feb 1960 Sep 1979 Mar 198 0 Men's Locker Roor:~ Apr 1979 Oct 1979 May 1979 Nov 1979 JIUI 1 9 79 Dec 1979 Jl 1979 Jan 1960 Aug 1979 Feb 1960 Scp 1979 Mi~r 1960 Vfornen's Locker Roo~-il Apr 1979 Oct 1979 Ivlay 1979 Nov 197') Jun 147') - Dee 1979 Jul 1979 Jan 1980 Aug 1979 ~clj 1980 scp 1979 -- MZLI. 19~0 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 Data Needed for Preparation of an Operating Budget for The Syste~n Fund to Cover the Fiscal Year April 1, 1979 through hdarch 31, 1980 Per son/Gr oup Responsible For Obtaining Information Data Perkaining to Revcnue Projecti~n (Contcl. ) Trophy Cl~tb 5. Watcr usage (Contd.) Pro Shop A 1979 Ocl: 1979 May 1979 Nov 1979 Jun 1979 - Dec I979 3x1 1979 Jan 1980 Provided by Sclurce Maintenznce Barn Apr &,Lay Jun Jul Au g Sep Swirrirni~q Pool APT May Ju n Jul Au g Sep Oct bT0v Dcc. Jan Feb Mar Oci- Nov De c Jan Fcb Mar Es@nari-s and ivii:disn - A 1979 Oct 1979 a 1979 Nov 1979 Jun 1979 Dec 1979 Jul 1979 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ a 19SO A~ig 1979 Fell 1980 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTliICT NO. 1 Data Needed for Preparation of an Operating Budget for Thc System Fund to Cover thc Fiscal Ycar April 1, 1979 through March 31, 1980 Person/Group Responsible For Obtaining Information Data Pertaining to Revenue Projection (Coi-itcl. ) Trophy Club 6. Watcr used on Golf Course(s) per month (in -1 i millions of gallons): ,,. ., J Apr 1979 Oct 1979,- :.ic f), ,{(. Afay 1979 Nov 1979 ! , . !,\. Jun 1979 Dec 1979 ,% \ Jul 1979 - Jan 1980 ALI~ 1479 Feb l9SO Sep 1979 Mar 1980 Lake Forest Village 7. Water usage by Lake ForeSt Village accounts per month (in ihousancls of gallons): Center Islancl I Apr 1979 Oct 1979 May 1979 - Nov 1979 Jun 1979 Dcc 1979 - Jul 1979 Jan 1980 -- Aug 1979 Fcb 1980 Sep 1979 Mar 1980 Center Island I:[ Apr 1979 Oct 1979 May 1979 Nov 1979 JUII 1979 Dcc 1979 Jul 1979 Jan 19SO - Aug 1979 Fch 1981) - Sep 1979 Mar 1980 - Center Islanrl 111 Apr 1979 Oct 1979 - May 1979 - Noi. 1979 Jnn 1979 - Dt:c 1979 -- J~tl 1979 Jan 1980 - All;; 1979 -- FelY 1980 Sep 1979 -___ Lf2.1. 1980 DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. I Data Necdcd for Preparation of an Operating Budget for The System Fund to Cover the Fiscal Year April 1, 1979 through March 31, 1980 Persoil/Group Responsible For Obtaining Information Data Pertaining to Revenue Projection (Conid. ) 9. Water tap reconnect fee '-0 -- No. of reconnects per year CD - DENTON COUNTY IvlUNICIPAL UTiL.ITY DISTRICT NO. 1 Data Nceclecl for Preparation of an Operating Budgct for Thc Systenl Fund to Cover the Fiscal Year April 1, 1979 through hlarch 31, 1980 Person/Gro~~p Kesponsiblc For Obtaining Information DAT*4 PERTAINING TO EXPENSE PROJ ECTIOM (Expense Codc) Willis F. Brown 11 / I. Salaries and Wages - This account reflccts the gross remuneration paicl to the viater clistrict's m~ ,A,, 6 -Xd-.C 2<,>+.-7<E:- : enlploye5s. , 3 d 7 T -. 3 r3 3 3 Buclget arnount 7 ;*<*+ f 0 Pro-,ride<by &;p-ZZ- -~ - source -4 .~:-..Z*A. -,,, < SC~Z..~. ' z-2- l. d+< /+ -.-,' .<-~..?.,. -. 5 /2,G 3-..,.;1 (2: h ) . 6 , ' -- - 15 ' I i..i "<< Willis F. 13rown 2. Workers' Colxlpensation Prernlums - This dEt6unt reflects :he expense for workers' compensation in- surance ?rernin~ns paicl by thc v:ater dislrict. This account is maintained on t'rie cash basis. .j' Budget amount; ,3 C, - - - Provicli:c! by &.J 2.4 soLlr ',>'.F <><*Z2 -,>,,, ..L -;- 0 61, //, '{ C, L> ,-,:.A, z-? 17 %/ 5 ./:; -i Gi: ,:-. // a7.,,,. ,-. I. , *$ u - 3 . I, = .* ;? ., s . - I,$l,Liu - 1 % 2 < ,-. : ,< J $7.- Bob West 20 /' 3. Legal - This Lccount reflects thc expi-nse=cgal services received by tile water district. ,.. .=, /,-, . w Budget 2:nount / > , ., ,.. ..' Pr ol,ic?e< by k:... Source 6$:&G.;-. <., ?--.-. /" ,<>L,' ?$.P ...-- illi F . Ero%vn 21 i/ 4. Aucliting - 'Chis account rcilccts the expense in- currccl in having the water district's financial recorcls audited, and in producing the annual auclit repsrt. Buclget arilou.nt 3, J 0 Provided by ,!> '.{ Source L~z~..~..fl.4,A <=.. 2-.-/:L..z -, - . -3. /4 >... . c:5 ,..: fi:*. .. Chsrlcs Ncwton 22 L/" 5. Enginsering - This account reflects thc c:.:pense -' anc? incurred for non-capitalizecl enoineerin!: serviccs Joe h4apes 23 i/ C; ;I;L~ 1 c!s i!!%;-;/ tc~n 6. hiiztn;ig~x-:-:'cz: and Cons~illi!~:, - 'J:I>.is ;lcco~~nt rc- ilects tll-. c:.:pci~sc: incur~.ecl for n~an;~gi.li-!ci~l: and '<. : ;,:.. 8.' , ,.. ., I zicl-.-isol.y ::i2rvicc:s ~.cilc:i\*cii 13:. Lhc ..s.n:-cr .; district. 6 ,I I--G .,> I .-, A=- ..~ .. . ,?<<?,. -. ,. <.<,' 1Ji,cls.2t ?:i?c,;l,lt, ,<.,.' ..!.,,..>~." -, ,!, ' ... _ i <-,,... ;, .2 ., . ~- - ~ - , , ,. . 1, ;.- ..,.... < 3 A<:> snurcc ,<& , >:.-2 . <- i --- -- -L-i..-- <?<> .7 ~,, C) ;-:' , .2 DENTON COUiVTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 Data Needed for Preparation o: an Operating Budget for The Systcln Fund to Cover the Fiscal Year April 1, 1979 through March 31, 1980 Person/Group Responsible For Obtaining Information Data Pertaining to E:ipense Projection (Contd. ) (Espense Code) ili F. Brovvn 32 A. Service Account Collection - This account reflects the cast of service charge billing a.nd collecting services provided to the \v?ter clistrict by a private indiviclual or enterp. 1-ise ' . &+.e~.. : ,Z$,*zz.* z.,, --. -:Z.<.:< Budget amount 3; -;;.SO A;.:.',.,,?,.: ,3=.=:..:... ,..-. Llp-~~ 7 <-;.*- Provide2 by ,:4/ :> ~3 Source <:$,c:.:.Z:,L,<d.2< h(,. Willis F. Brown 33 ' 8. BoolrLreeping - This account reflects the cost of booklceeping services provicled t~ the viater clistrict by a pr i-rate individual or cinterpr is c. q; Budget amo~ult ,'? ;-;&.*. . .c: .- . 1,~ ,- -; , ., ;;/a -. Provided I3y ;LJ 7 c; Source .:?:.->/&< ,.;#&J ,' Charles Newton 34 J 9. Cont.ract Labor - This account reflects the cost of hirecl, contract labor used by the \\rater district. This ex.rpense reflects all additional labor expense - ancl is e:.:clusi-..e oT all prfroll-related d expenses. ,<.!.> ,,,. ;::<pz5: ,.,, , ,o/%*. A., L/ .;, ,..,, -. F-..,.:, Budget amount 2.. .. ;'c-..:. , z .- 0 - - Provided 13)- C. 71. ,i /;.I,>,;.- Source 7 Ys -- 'ad- 1, -c 0 Charles Nciv-ton 35 10.' Maintenance and Repairs - This account reflects the cost oE ~ilaintenancc ancl repair servic2s pro- viclecl to the water Clis trict hy a private incliviclual. or entergrise. This expense ::houlcl incl~lde the total price paid for such services including mater- ials ancl labor. / ~3 2 /-:-.:,,. . ; .> ... /, $.., 3 .C: -.. ; .- Budget 2maunt 33 ;y~,~~,:$ , * , I- : z,,.>.,.$, LJ.~ .*>< -- Provided by : , Sourcc S;Tp-r.:> Charlc s f.Jc.%vton 3 6 11. Mei:cr lristallatiu~ - This account rcIlccts thc cost of incter installatioi~ services pri~vided to the \v?.ter dis trict by 21. private inclividual or cntcrprise. This e:ipense sl~!oulcl inclncle L??e total price paid for s1ic11 seriices il~clucling ril;ltcria!s (inclilcling tlie cost of n,etc;s, if supp1i;:il 11:. the contractor) ancl l1;~bor. Budge: ~~ii~rjunt - 5 -- . .- .- :Pro~ridec! l~j; ~- Soul-cc - U.ENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 Data Nceclcd for Preparation of an Operating Budget for Thc System Fund to C3;rer the Fiscal Pear April 1, 1979 through March 31, 1980 Person/Group Responsible For Obtaining Information Data Pertaining to Expense Projection (Contcl.) (Expense Code) Bob West 38 12. Legal Kotices and Othcr Publications - This account reflccts the cost of publishing lcgal ancl othcr notices in ncvrspapers ancl other publications. B~~dgct amount L{J pro.,iclcd by &-:< 5....z*.7* -- _.A-.- - S~LI~ ce .%~b--.-.e..- iis F. Brown 40 d 13. Printing and Oflicc Supplies - This account reflects the cost of colltract printifig services, printed forms ar~cl all types of expendable oifice supplics purch;ised by the vvs-ter district. .5 t- Euclgct ziriount 1, .= J .> -~ Proviclcd hi- bJ.4 Source -&.?:;,.,, '7 ;; i- 2L4-.:-c -, . : <>-: .*-, ~ . Charles Newton 41 J 14. Fuel 2nd Lubricc~uts - This account reflects the cost of petroleum proclucts purchased for fueling and i~-~aintaining all mechanical ecluipn~ent uscd by thc watcr district. A Budget +mount ,:J* Providcdby . Source ~/zz-*.s~ Charles Nclvton 42 J 15. Chcmicz~ls - This accou~lt reflects the cost of cbemic~!s purchasccl by the watcr district for use in water ancl selvage treatment facilities. f Eudget ainount ,A. .r - 2 Providecl by L! . Source'77 5 ,:--,.L**.,-'~<--% Charles Nevrton 4 3 16. Small Tools - This account reflects the cost 01 snlall tools, such as hai~cl tools, laboratory ccl~~ip - 131cnt and sl-nail po\:.crecl tools, p~~~cl~.asccl by the watcr clisi.rict. .$ DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTIIICT NO. 1 Data Nceclecl for Preparation of an Operating Budget for The System Funcl to Cover the Fiscal Year April 1, 1979 through iMarch 31, 1980 Per son/Group Kesponsible For Obtaining Information Data Pertaining to E:ipense Proiection (Contd. ) (Expense Code) Charles Newton 44 j 17. Repair and Maillte~~ance-IvIaterials - This account reflects the cost of consulrlable supplies purchased by the w+ter district for repairing and maintaining the water district's physical plant, nlachinery and equiprilcnt. This account is chargccl with the cost of all purchases of repair and n>aii~tenance mater- ials during the fiscal year and is chargecl viith the cost of repair and maintenance materials received but not paicl by the encl of the fiscal year. Freight costs are included in thc cost of rep?-ir ancl main- tenance I-natrrials. .h Euclget amouilt ,,. t' * ,,J Providcid , :, +& Source / 7-? >&';;,:7 , - .. 3:'. ,-..< >.., ~. -/,:A --.... . ,--< i ' t Charles Ne\vton 45 i/ 18. Meter E:ipc:nse - 'Illis account reflects the cost of meters purchased by the wa.ter district dui-ing tlx fiscal year. The account is cha~gecl \i,illl the cost of lneters purchaseel cluring the fiscal year anc1 is charged with the cost of repair ancl maintenance materials received but not paicl by- the end of the fiscal year. Freight costs are inclticlecl in the cost Budget a:~-iount >so ,'%I- &Y& ~7 ,J' .- /- Provided by Source :~:-+?.: ,+.:,..<; Willis F. Ero\vn 50 ~'19. Postasc - This account rcllects the cost of U'nitecl States postal stamps and services puxchasi:cl by thc water district clilring the fiscal ycar. Eurlget s:~lounl J, 3 . . . I I - - / ,c ::2 Provided by /A ,275 Source .-:.<:,!-,,? illi . 1:rown 51 ' 20. Telepho:.~ - This 2.cco11nt rcflccts t!~c c3st of tcle-. pll:~nc sei~~iccs purchnsed by Lhc \::i:ic~ rlis~rict. froni s il::ility cc>n.!pany di~ri~!;: t11- iisca! yrral-. DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTlIICT NO. 1 Data Needecl for Prcparatiol? of an Operating Budget for The Systcnl Funcl to GoT-er thc Fiscal Ycar A 1, 1979 through March 31, 1980 Person/Group Responsible For Obtaining Infor~nation Data Pertaining to Es~cnse Projection (Contd.) (Expense Code) Vilis F. Brown 52 I/ 21. Utilities - This account reflects the cost of gas, electricity, garbage collection services, ctc. (re - ceived from utility companies or other government entities) billed during the fiscal year .<<c;,./.,. ;,,**-.,c..< . ?, . >,,#.. . - - <>- / 2 ,j,',CP ( , , Budget amourlt , c,< i ~.o--,J~ - ,,*--. ;dL2 -<>--~< ,.,, .! i.., <.,-I, -- Provided by - -soUlr- 51 ?L" -" 7 ..Od 0 Bob West , .~, -- -- 53 <I 22. lnsurancc and Surety Eond Prclniulns - This account rcflects the cost of irlsurancc (fire, auto- noti', public liability, and property clanlage, etc. ) and surety boncl premi~ims (bla.nlict and ficlelity) paicl by the watcr district to non-ll~iltur~l illsurance companies during the fiscal year. Budget amount (A,.> .j3 Provided lqi ; Source ,~:kC.~;~2,-:r 4c ., :Q &-L, ,<,:;:,E?~ &..r;<:, <.5 <,.? - ,re i i W'illis F. Eroivn 54 !,' 23. Travel z.ncl Per Diem - This account reflects the cgst or ~11owancc fa1 distances travclc~l and the daily allowance for foocl, lodging and other inci- dentz.1 costs associated with fhc assian~nent. ., 2, 5. , ,{ , , , 2 , , , f 7.3 rl Budget 2n1ount yo0 il-7 .- Provided by L<, L,; , ~. Sourcc ~'f. /~/h.~, - < /<c ,id - ,, -/ ? = 2.&< \'fillis F. Brown 55 ./' 24. Uncollectible Acco~ints - This account reflects the estimated expense for uncollcctible service accounts receivable fro111 service custornsrs and the a~nount of ser-cicc zccount int2rct and pc?nr~lties ciircc'l ' Y written off. .. ,. r, 9 ~. .y,; -. . Charles PJ~\?JLUI~I 57 I...," 25. Rents zinc1 1,ca:;cs; -Ecjuipr:l,zi-it - This account rc - .,/ :.. flccts p;.ymc!ii; of rents or lc:a?;cs for oflice erluip- l-~~ent, hcar-y ccluipn~cn;, tiililcs cic., for a sla!cd p2riotl of iinx awl +n-~r>::!it. -1- DENTON COUNTY h.IUNIC1PA.L UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 Dala Needecl for PrcparaLion of an Operating Budget for The Systcln Fund to Co-ier thc Fiscal Year April 1, 1979 through March 31, 1960 Person/Group Responsible For Obtaining Information Data Pertaining to Expense Projection (Contd ) (Expcnse Codc) / /' Willis F. Brown 56 ' 26. Rents 2r.d Leases -Space - This account reflects payments of rents or leases for officc and other space, p~st office box rentals, safety cleposii box rentals, etc., for a stated period of timi: and anlount. 2 Euclget +mount 3<c7J/'2.5 *I-> = L./,.S& -,.> / 9- Provicled by &c/3r5 S gur ce / ,7;7 :+Zp,:-:%-, flp+.2z-.-%* -*...c,: .:--. ,, is . Broxvn 71 '-"27. Tap Conlection-Contracts This account reflects the cost f tap connections nlade for thc water clis - trict by a contractor. Thc costs recorcled are the total costs for tap connectign services billecl to the v;ater district by the contractor. C Buclgct smount ?>, 30 u Provj.clc< bjr d/ a/> sour cf ./,l-L,'. ,zc,d:L -.% .- ,. '\ DENTON COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 Data Needed for Preparation of an Operating Buclget for The Tax Fund to Cover the Fiscal Year April 1, 1979 through March 31, 1980 Person/Group Responsible OTI-IER DATA For Obtaining Inforlnation PERT-AINING TO EXPENSE PROJECTION (Espense Cocle) Bob West Villi F. Brown 3 1 30 1. Board of Equalization - This accoullt reflects the cost paid by the water district to a board of eclual- ization zr its members for hearing and settling the water district's disputed ta:.: levies. Bob West Bob West -.? . +'- Budge t zmount -, &.L~..> Pro-,ride< bj: ,/?L ,<:<-.:T' Source 45 (r.?: ..?p<:-. r/ 2. Tax Asszssor -Collector - This account reflects the cost of tax assessing ancl collecting services provicled to ihe water district by a private indi- vidual, enterprise, or governmental entity. Budge: amunt Pr o\-icled by- Source 3. Lefial Korices ancl Other Publics~tions - This account reflects ihe cost of publisl~ing legal ancl other no:ici;s in newspapers and oihcr publicalions. 4. Foreclosure Costs - This account reflects all costs to esercise ta:.: lieus, attorney fees, court costs a:? any costs of selling property to recover delinqueat taxes. Buclge? zx.~unt -<L,,713 , ;, "+ Provided by ?.-::, <,I Saurce c.:,;y;::!.:>-:J<:~