HomeMy WebLinkAboutFY Ended September 30, 1983TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY SCHEDULES YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 with REPORT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Report of Certified Public Accountants Financial section Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Account Groups Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual - General Water and Sewer Fund Notes to Combined Financial Statements Supplementary Schedules Analysis of Changes in Cash and Temporary Investments - All Funds General Long-term Debt Service Requirements - By Years Analysis of Changes in General Long-term Debt Schedule of Temporary Investments Analysis of Tases Receivable Analysis of Organizational Costs Analysis of Changes in General Fixed Assets Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenditures - Period and Four Years Insurance Coverage Board Members, Key Administrative Personnel and Consultants Questionnaire to be Completed by Auditor Certificate of the Board of Directors CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 3015 WEST FIFTH STREET FORT WORTH.TEXA5 76107 817/33~-0061 GUINN W PHILLIPS DAVID E. WELCH JOE A. DILLARD CONNIE JO ROBERSON JAMES L. BUXTON RANDAL R. BOYTS Board of Directors Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 Roailolce, Texas We have examined the accompanying combined financial statements of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 at September 30, 1983, and for the period then ended listed in the foregoing table of contents under the caption "Financial Section." Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we con- sidered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the combined financial statements re- ferred to above present fairly the financial position of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 at September 30, 1933, and the results of its operations for the period then ended, in con- formity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Our examination was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the combined financial statements, taken as a whole. The accompanying supplementary schedules listed in the table of contents, pages 15 through 32, are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the combined financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the examination of the combined financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. November 16, 1983 TROPIIY CLUB hlUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 COLIBINED BALBNCE SIICWI' - ALL FUND TYPES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS As of September 30, 1983 ASSETS Current nssets C0.511: Unrestricted cash Restricted cash Totnl cash Restricted temporary investments, nt cost Total cash and temporary investments Accounts raccivuhle and accrued rcvenue Prcpaid insurance Interfund receivables Totnl current assets Gencral Cised assets - Notcs 3, 4 and 8 Intnngihle and other assets Provision for bonded debt Amount uvai1:~blc for rctiremcnt oi general long-term debr Amount to be provided for rctiremenr of general long-term debt Total nssets Governmental Iund tpnes :Account groups General Debz Capital General Gcneral viatcr and service projects fixed long-term sewer fund - fund fund BSSetS debt Totals (memorandum only) Perlad endcd Year emded September 30, Slurch 31, 1983 1883 TROPllY CLUB b1UNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 COhlBINED BALANCE SliCET - ALL FUND TITES AND ACCOUNT GROUPS As of September 30, 1983 (continued) LIIIBILITIES Current liabilities Accounts pnyablc nnd accrued expenses neiundable deposits Intcriund paynblcs Bonds due within one year - Note 5 Total current liabilities Dcierrcd lncome Bondcd debt payable - Note 5 Total liabilities Commitments - Note 7 FW EQUITY Investment in general fiscd nssets Fund bolnnccs: Reserved for customer deposits Reserved far dcbt service Unrestricted (deficit) Total fund balances (dsiicits) Total fund equity Total liabiliries and iund equity Totals Governmental fund types Account groups (inemorundurn only) Gencral DebT. Capital Gcncral General Poriod ended Scar cndcd water and service projects iised long-term September 30, :Inrch 31, sewer fund - fund fund assets debt 1983 1983 See accompnnying notes. TROPNY CLUD hIUNICIPiZL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 COhlBINED STATEhlENT OF REVENUES, LDENDITURES, AND CilANGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOVTRN.\lENTAL FUND TYPES For the period ended Scpzcmber 30, 1883 Revenues Service revenues - Note 6 Tap connection revenues Tax rovcnues - Note 9 Penalty revenue Expense rcimbursemcnts hliscellancaus Total revenucs Esponditurcs Bulk water purchases Payroll expenses Employee boneiits Pralessionol fees Capital outlay Utilities Recurring operating expenses Tax assessor-collector hliscellaneous Debt service: Principal retirement Interest and fiscal charges Total expenditures Lsccss (dcsiciency) oi rcvenues over expenditures G~vcl~nm~11Tn.1 Iund types General Debt Capital water and service projects sever fund Iund fund Totals (memorandum only) Per~od ended Ycvr ended Septcmbcr 30. Uarch 31, 1883 1883 TROPlIY CLUB hNNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 CObIBINED STATEblENT OF REVENUES, ESPENDITURES, AND CF1:INGES IN FUND BALANCES - ALL GOV3RNWNTAL FUND TYPES For the period ended September 30, 1983 (continued) Orher Iinancing sources (uses): Proceeds oi ceneral obliention bond issue Total other Iinancing sources (uses) Excess (deficiency) of revenues and Other Iinancing saurccs over espenditurcs and other uses Fund balances (deficit) nt beginning of period Fund bvlvnccs (dcficlt) at cnd oi pcriod Governmental fund tylx?s General Debt Crp~tvl water and servzcc projects sewer fund - Iund fund Totals (eeaornndum only) Pe~iod ended Ycar ended Scptelnber 30, blorcb 31, 1983 1'383 Sea accompanying notcs. -5- TROPHY CLUB h1UNICIPSL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 COhlBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL WATER AND SEM'ER FUND For period ended September 30, 1983 General water and sewer fund Variance favorable - Budget Actual (unfavorable) Revenues : Water and sewer service - Note 6 Water and sewer MUD $2 Water and sewer MUD $3 Inspection and tap fees Miscellaneous Total revenues Expenditures: Salaries, wages, benefits and taxes \Vater purchases and power (water, sewer, utilities and telephone) Professional fees: Legal Engineering Auditor Maintenance Printing and office supplies Postage Insurance and bonds Travel and seminars Election Transportation, fuels and lubricants Chemicals Uniforms and towels Board related expenses Schools, dues and memberships Miscellaneous expense Capital expenditures Total expenditures TROPHY CLUB IvlUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL WATER AND SEWER FUND For period ended September 30, 1983 (continued) General water and sewer fund Variance favorable - Budget Actual (unfavorable) Excess (deficit) of 'evenues over expenditures Other financing sources: Reimbursement of e~pellditu~es Transfers in Total other financing sources Excess (deficiency) of revenues and other financing sources over expenditures and other uses Fund balance at beginning of period Fund balance (deficit) at end of period See accunipanying i10teS. ,.. -I- TROPHY CLUB h1UNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1~ NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEhlENTS September 30, 1983 Note 1: Summary of accounting policies A. Description of funds The District has established a number of funds, in conformance with generally accepted account- ing principles and the reco~nmei~dations of the National Council on Governmental Accounting, for the purpose of accounting for transactions in compliance with legal requirements. Funds and account groups in use by the District in accounting for its financial activities are as follows: Governmental funds General water and sewer fund - To account for all of the general water and sewer revenue of the District not specifically levied or collected for other District funds, and for expenditures related to the maintenance of operations. Debt service fund - To account for the source and dis- position of funds for paying interest and principal on general long-term debt Capital pro,jects funds - To account for the acquisitio~l of capital facilities being financed from bond proceeds. Account groups General fixed assets accounts - To account for property and equipment of the Distric~. General long-term debt accounts - To account for the unmatured principal of outstanding bonds. TROPIIY CLUB k!UNICIPAI> UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 NOTES TO C0:vIBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1983 Note 1: Summary of accounting policies (continued) B. Basis of accounting The District maintains its accounting records on the modified accrual basis whereby revenues and ex- penditures are 'ecognized in the accounting period in which they are earned or incurred with the exception of interest on general long-term debt and tax revenues which are recognized when due. C. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment is recorded at cost when acquired. General fixed assets are recorded as expenditures in the general water and sewer fund and capital projects fund at the time of purchase and are capitalized in the general fixed assets account group. Costs related to repairs and maintenance are recorded as expenditures. Significant renovations and improvements are capitalized. Investments D. - Investments are carried at cost which approximates market. The District's intent is to hold these investments until maturity. E. Total columns on combined statements Total columns on the combined statements are captioned Memorandum Only to indicate that th~:~ are presented only to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these columns do not present financial position, results of operations, or changes in financial position TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 NOTES TO COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1983 Note 1: Summary of accounting policies (continued) in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Neither is such data comparable to a consolidation. Inter- fund eliminations have not been made in the aggregation of this data. Note 2: Creation of district - Trophy Club Municipal Utility Dis- trict No. 1 was created by an order of the Texas Water Rights Commission on March 4, 1975, and confirmed by the electorate of Trophy Cl-ub Municipal Utility District No. 1 at a confir- mation election held on October 7, 1975. The Board of Direc- tors held its first meeting on April 24, 1975, and the first bonds were sold on June 8, 1976. Note 3: Bond interest - In accordance with the bond resolution dated October 29, 1975, a portion of the bond proceeds was de- posited into the debt service fund for the payment of bond interest during the construction period. This bond interest has been capitalized as an organizational cost for the con- struct ion period. Note 4: Organizational costs - The District, in conformance with requirements of the Texas Water Rights Commission, capi- talized and charged to organization costs for the creation period all costs incurred in the creation of the District allowed by statute. The Texas Water Rights Commission also requires capitalization as organizational costs for the con- struction period all costs incurred in the issue and sale of bonds, bond interest and amortized bond premium and discount, losses on sales of investments, accrued interest on invest- ments purchased, attorney fees and some administrative ex- penses until construction and acceptance or use of the first TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 NOTES TO COALDINED FINANCIAL STATEAIENTS September 30, 1983 Note 4: Organizational costs (continued) revenue producing facility has occurred. As the District purchased its facilities already completed by the developer, only those costs funded by bond proceeds were capitalized. Note 5: General long-term debt - At September 30, 1983, the Dis- trict's long-term debt consisted of: Range of General Water worlcs and saver system combination unlimited tax and revenue bonds series 1976 lvater worlrs and sewer system combination unlimited tax a~d revenue bonds series 1980 Water works and server system combinat ion revenue bonds series 1983 interest long-term Current bng-term Maturity rates debt mturities maturities Serially through 8.75 - 2006 9.25 $1,500,000 $20,000 $1,480,000 Serially through 8 .GO - 2007 9.50 2,035,000 25,000 2,010,000 Serially tlrougl1 8.00 - 2002 10.00 3,200,000 3,200,000 $6,735,000 $%5,000 $6 , 690,000 A schedule of bond maturities for the nest five years is as follows: Tax and Tax and Tax and revenue bnds revenue bonds revenue bonds Year - series 1976 series 1980 series 1983 - Tot a1 TROPHY CLUB hlUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 NOTES TO COhlBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS September 30, 1983 Note 5: General long-term debt (continued) Tas and Tax- and Tax and revenue bonds revenue bonds revenue bonds Year series 1976 series 1980 series 1983 Total - - Total brought forward $3,580,954 $5,174,958 $7,037,872 $15,793,7&? Less interest 2,080,954 3,139,953 3,837,872 9,058,784 Principal $1,500,000 $2,035,000 $3,200,000 $ 6,735,000 Tax and revenue bonds authorized and unissued as of September 30, 1983, amounted to $5,579,217. The bonds are payable from the proceeds of an ad valorem tax levied upon all property subject to taxation with- in the District, without limitation as to rate or amount, and are further payable from and secured by a lien on and pledge of the net revenues to be received from the operation of the District's waterworks and sanitary sewer system The provisions of the bond resolutions relating to debt service requirements have been met and the cash allo- cated for these purposes is sufficient to meet debt service requirements for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1984. The outstanding bonds are callable for redemption prior to maturity at the option of the District. The bonds may be called in whole or in part for the purpose of retire- ment or refunding, or both, at par in addition to unpaid accrued interest. Note 6: Water and sewer service rates - The Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 has established the following water and sewer service rates: TROPHY CLUB ilUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 NOTES TO COlrlBIPJED FINANCIAL STATEAIENTS September 30, 1983 Note 6: Water and sewer service rates (continued) Tap fee Sewer inspection fee Water service only: Treated water: First 4,000 gallons of water used - minimum bill Nest 10,000 gallons of water used - each 1,000 gallons Each 1,000 gallons of water used thereafter Untreated water: First 4,000 gallons of water used - minimum bill Each 1,000 gallons of water used thereafter Standby fee per month Sewer charge per month - minimum bill 7.50 Note 7: Commitments - The District has an agreement with a developer whereby the developer awards contracts and makes progress payments to independent contractors for the construction of works, improvements, facilities, plants, equipment and appliances necessary to provide a waterworks system, sanitary sewer system, storm sewer and drainage system within said District. Upon the completion of a project and the authori- zation of a baud issue, the District is obligated to reim- burse a percentage of the total cost of the project plus accrued interest from the date of the progress payments to the developer. There were no construction costs on projects in progress at September 30, 1983. Note 8: Changes in general. fised assets - A summary of changes in general fised assets follo\\~s: TROPHY CLUB IvfUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 NOTES TO COblBINED FINANCIAL STATGBIENTS September 30, 1983 Note 8: Changes in general fixed assets (continued) Land Buildings Water system Sewage system Drainage system Machinery and equipment Autos and trucks Furniture and fixtures Engineering fees Capitalized construc- tion period costs Balance March 31, 1983 $ 25,675 1,800 1,207,998 912,112 724,218 42,706 14,614 18,819 413,917 Addit ions (Deletions) $ 107,166 9,162 1,195,505 814,950 248,680 1,305* 7, 868* - 347,773 Balance September 30, 1983 Construction in progress - 15,766 15,766 Total $3,753,656 $2,879, 066 $6,632,722 (*) Expenditures from general water and sewer fund Note 9: Property taxes - Property taxes attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1, are due October 1, and become delinquent on February 1. Property taxes for the District are not limited as to 'ate or amount. The District's current tax rate is $.56 per $100 of assessed valuation and assessed valuation is approximately 100% actual value. Note 10: Fiscal pear - In April, 1983 the members of the Board of Directors voted to change the fiscal year from hlarch 31, to September 30. As a result, short period financial statements covering the six months ended September 30, 1983, have been. prepared. Budget and prior year figures cover a 12-month period. In addition, the official name was changed to Trophy Club hlunicipal Utility District No. 1 from Dentoil County Municipal Utility District No. I.. SUPP1,EMENTARY SCHEDULES LLITY DISTRICT NO. 1 CASH AND TEMPORARY ALL FUNDS September 30, 1983 Totals (memorandum only) General Debt Caaital Period ended Year ended water and service projects September 30, March 31, sewer fund fund fund 1983 1983 ;s provided 262,755 632,159 iitures 223,943 320,175 10,005 vat er TROPllY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 GENERAL MNG-TERII DEBT SERVICE REQUIREhIENTS - BY YEl\RS As 01 September 30, 1983 Series 1976 Series 1980 Series 1983 Due during 1isc:rl years Principal Interest Principal Interest Principnl Intcrest Totul annual ending due due due due due due requirements September 30. hlarcll 1 September 1 Total blvrch 1 Septcmbcr 1 Total March 1 September 1 all series - 20,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 '10,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 GO, 000 65,000 70,000 80,000 85,000 95,000 105,000 115,000 125,000 135,000 150,000 - - Cash and temporary investments balances at hlul.ch 31, 1983: Debt service fund -723 Cash and temporary investments balunces at September 30, 1983: Debt service fund SJ2&l.3,.732L . Interest rate TROPHY CLUB hIUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT For the period ended September 30, 1983 Dates interest payable hlaturity dates Bonds outstanding at beginning of current period Bonds sold during current period Ret irernents: principal Bonds outstanding at end of current period Retirements: interest Paging agent 's name and address Bonds voted: $12,344,217 Bond issues Series Series Series 1976 1980 1983 Total a. 75% 8.85% s. 00% to 9.25% to 9.50% to 10.00% None None None None Series 1976: InterFirst Bank/Fort Worth Fort Worth, Texas Series 1980: InterFirst Bank/Fort Worth Fort Worth, Texas Series 1963: InterFirst Bank/Fort Worth Fort \Vorth, Texas Bonds appi-oved: $6,765,000 Bonds sold: $6,765,000 Funds Debt service fund Certificate of deposit Certificate of deposit Certificate of deposit Certificate of deposit Totals General water and sewer fund Certificate of deposit Total - all funds TROPHY CLUB hlUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 SCHEDULE OF TEhlPORARY INVESTBIENTS For the period ended September 30, 1983 Accrued interest Identification Balances 'eceivable oy certificate Interest Maturity at end of at end of number rate date period period TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 ANALYSIS OF TAXES RECEIVABLE As of September 30, 1983 Taxes receivable at beginning of period Adjustments Total to be accounted for Less collections : Prior gears' taxes Taxes receivable at end of period Taxes receivable by pears 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Property valuations Property valuations : Land Improvements Personal property Exemptions Total valuations Tax rate per $100 valuation Five pears ended March 31., (in thousands) 1983 1982 1981. 1980 1979 - - - - - $ 21,503 $21,731 $21,366 $17,653 $15,571 58,482 26,304 17,450 9,277 4,189 232 120 68 TROPI-IP CLUB AIUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 ANALYSIS OF TAXES RECEIVABLE As of September 30, 1983 (continued) Property valuations (continued) Five years ended March 31, (in thousands) 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 - - - - - -- --__ Tax rolls ,--$447,989 ,' (1) (1) (1 (1 . . ... .. . . ... For the period ended September 30, 1983: All taxes Percent of current taxes collected to current taxes levied None (2) Percent of current and delinquent taxes collected to current and delinquent taxes outstanding at the beginning of the tax period (1) The audits for 1979-1982 were prepared by other auditors and this information was not included in the 'eports; consequently, it is not provided. (2) No taxes were levied during the short period. TROPIlY CLUE hIUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 ANALYSIS OF ORGAKIZATIONAL COSTS For the period ended September 30, 1983 Balances at beginning of period Addit ions (decreases) Balances at end of period Organizational costs - creation period Engineering and surveys Filing fees, licenses, legal not ices, and permits Legal fees Director fees and per diem Other costs Total organizational costs - creation period Organizational costs - construction period Legal fees Financial consulting fees Operating expenses Bond interest expense Amortized bond discount Total organizational costs - construction period Total organizational costs Amounts provided: For district organizational costs - creation period by construction fund For district organizational costs - construction period: By capital projects fund By debt service fund Total district organizational costs - construction period Total provided TROPHY CLUB LlUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 ANALYSIS OF CH.ANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS For the period ended September 30, 1983 General fixed assets: Land Buildings Water system Sewage system Drainage system Machinery and equipment Autos and trucks Furniture and fixtures Engineering fees Construction in progress Total Additions provided by: Debt service fund Contributions by developers Contributions by general mater and sewer fund Tot a1 Balances at beginning of period Addit ions (deletions) Balances at end of period Amount Percent of fund total revenue Period ended Year ended March 31, September 30, Year ended March 31, 33 - 1982 1981 1980 1983 - 1983 - 1982 - 1981 - 1980 - - - - Amount Percent of fund total revenue Period ended Year ended March 31, September 30, Year ended March 31, 3 - 1982 1981 1980 1983 1983 1982 1981 1980 - - - - - - - - Insurer Type of Policy corporation clause Amount of coverage Name stock/mutual co-insurance $ 10,000 Fidelity and Deposit Stock None 10,000 Fidelity and Deposit Stock None 10,000 Reliance Insurance Company Stock None 10,000 Reliance Insurance Company Stock None 190,800 Reliance Lloyds Stock 90% 1,000,000 Canal Insurance Company Stoclc None 1,000,000 International Surplus Lines Insurance Company Stock None 15,000 United Pacific Insurance Company Stock None 16,500 United Pacific Insurance Company Stock None L-84 $100,000/$300,000 Planet Insurance Company $100,000 L-84 $250,000/$500,000 Planet Insurance Company $100,000 Stock Stoclc None None ICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 INISTRATIVE PERSONNEL AND CONSULTANTS ptember 30, 1983 ess: P. 0. Box 130, Roanoke, Texas 76262 Term of office Fees and elected and expense Resident expires or reimbursement of date hired 09-30-83 Title at year-end District? 04-03-821 Per diem President Yes 04-07-84 04-02-831 Per diem Vice-president Yes 04-02-85 04-02-83 1 Per diem Secretary /Treasurer Yes 04-02-85 04-02-831 Per diem Director 04-02-85 07-20-821 (1) Per diem Director 04-07-84 ancy created by a resignation. Yes Yes business or family relationships exas Water Code) with major landowners h the district's developer or with any nsultants. lICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 IINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL AND CONSULTANTS !ptember 30, 1983 ( continued) trict Term of office Fees and elected and ex~ense Resident espires or reirnbksement of date hired 09-30-83 Title at year-end District? 12-15-82 $ 9,315 Genera1 manager No 07-18-83 $ 5,000 General manager No 04-01-81 Incept ion Contract $ 8,998 Assessor-collector $ 3,267 Legal counsel TROPHY CLUD h1UNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COhlPLETED BY AUDITOR For the period ended Se~tember 30, 1983 1. At the time that your firm was engaged by the Board of Directors of the above-named water district to perform this audit, were copies of the Annual Audit Report Requirements and the Water District Account- ing Manual made available to you? 2. The Water District Accounting Manual prescribes accounting methods and policies. After taking these into consideration, did the local water district: a. Maintain a proper classification of expenditures and revenues? b. Record expenditures and revenues according to GAAP and consistent with the type of accounting system utilized? c. Maintain the double entry system of accounting? d. Adhere to applicable provisions of the Water District Accounting Manual? 3. Did the Board of Directors of the water district impose on your firm any audit requirements in addi- tion to those stated in the Annual Audit Report Requirements? 4. Did you identify, during the course of your esarni- nation of the financial statements of the water district, any areas pertaining to accounting matters in which action should be taken by the Board of Directors of the water district? If Yes is checked for Question 4, have these topics been discussed in a Management Letter to the water district's Board of Directors? 5. Did you obtain representation from the Board of Directors of the water district that all records of - the mater district were made available to you for your examinat ion? 6. Did the \\later district: S -- Yes No x - - Yes No x - - Yes No x - - Yes No S - - Yes No x - - Yes No 2: - - Yes No x - - Yes No a. Use the capital l~rojec~s fund and debt service fund only for purposes authorized by the Board TROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY SUDITOR For the period ended September 30, 1983 (continued) G. Did the water district: (continued) of Directors of the water district and/or within the provisions of the applicable bond 'esolut i-ons? b. Properly escrow the required amount of cash as prescribed by the Texas Water Commission or disburse the escrowed cash according to the terms prescribed by the Texas Water Commission? c. Do business only with firms or corporations in which members of the Board of Directors had no pecuniary interest? d. Observe the conditions for obtaining grants, gifts, etc. , or observe agreements with governmental agencies for the purpose of securing funds or services? e. Have a contract for Social Security coverage for its employees with the Texas Employees Retirement System? f. hlake remittances of Social Security taxes according to the terms of the contract for Social Security coverage with the Social Security Division of the Texas Employees Retirement System? g. Deposit receipts to the proper funds kept by the approved depository bank? h. Draw checks only on funds approved by the Board of Directors and signed by authorized personnel? 7. Note: A management letter is an audit scope re- quirement of the Water District Accounting Manual. a. The date of the most recent managernent letter was November lG, 1983. b. Were recormnendations explained to and discussed with administrative officials of the water district? X -- Yes No x - - Yes No X - - Yes No (1) - - Yes No x - - Yes No x -- Yes No x - - Yes NO x -- Yes No x - - Yes No (1) No intergovernmental transactions TROPHY CLUB JlUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY AUDITOR For the period ended September 30, 1983 (continued) c. Is there evidence indicating that the previous year's recommendations have been or are being implemented? 8. The Texas Water Code makes specific provisions relating to security provided by depository banks. After consideration of the applicable laws pertain- ing to the specific water district, did the deposi- tory bank provide adequate security of the correct type? Please indicate for - each depository a. The name of the depository bank - Northwest Bank b. Amount of F.D.I.C. coverage (if member bank) c. Amount of bond or other security pledged as of the end of the fiscal period d. Largest cash balance e. Date of largest cash balance f. The amount of bond or security pledged at the time of the largest cash balance (excluding F.D.I.C. coverage) a. The name of the depository bank - InterFirstI Fort Worth b. Amount of F.D.I.C. coverage (if member bank) c. Amount of bond or other security pledged as of the end of the fiscal period d. Largest cash balance e. Date of largest cash balance f. The amount of bond or security pledged at the time of the largest cash balance (excluding F.D.I.C. coverage) 9. The water district's taxes were collected by more than one assessor-collector. 10. \'!as the tax assessor-collector bonded as required by law? X - - Yes No X -- Yes No None - $514,192 05-31-83 None - x -- Yes No TROPHY CLUB b.lUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY AUDITOR For the period ended September 30, 1983 (continued) 11. What was: a. The tax assessor-collector bonded for? b. The greatest amount of the district's taxes in the tax assessor-collector's possession at any one time? c. The frequency of tax receipts deposits with the honded depository? 12. We (check one) : a. Actually examined the records of the tax assessor-collector b. Received written co11firmatio11 for tax data from the tax assessor-collector c. Accepted tax data furnished by the district's administrative offices 13. Were local tax 'evenues (including delinquent taxes and interest and penalties on taxes) properly separated for debt service? 14. Was the water district in compliance with applicable bond resolutions, with the general or special legis- lation under which the district mas created and with the specific statutes excerpted and included in the Legal Compliance Guidelines in Section 70-03-1 of the Water District Accounting Manual? 15. Full and complete explanations and/or references to notes, schedules (or comments in the auditor's report letter) for responses marked (*). (2) Daily x - - Yes No S -- Yes No (2) Receipts are deposited as received into district account CERTIFICATE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTOBS Trophv Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 Name of Water District Denton County We, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the audit report of the above-named Water District for the period ended September 30, 1983, was received by the Board of Directors on the day of 1984, and was reviewed and ( ) approved; ( ) disapproved at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Water District on the day of , 1984. Signature of Board Secretary Signature of Board President