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ORDER #2001-0801
WHEREAS, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 (the "District") is the
owner and/or operator of a water and sewer system designed to serve present and
future inhabitants within the District and the Trophy Club development; and
WHEREAS, the District's most recent Rate Order was adopted on January 11,
2000 (the "2000 Rate Order"), but several additional modifications are needed at this
time and the District desires to establish all of its rate policies in a single new Rate
Order; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the District has carefully considered the
terms of this 2001 Rate Order and is of the opinion that the following conditions and
provisions should be established as the policies, procedures, and rates for obtaining
service from the District's water and sewer system-,
Section 1: TAP FEES. A fee of $1,000 must be received by the District before
any residential connection is initially made to the District's water system, which tap fee
will include a 3/4 inch (District side) by 5/8 inch (customer side) meter. Any request by
a customer for service from an oversized connection line or from a meter larger than a
5/8 inch (customer side) standard meter shall be granted by the District only if the
customer agrees and makes suitable arrangements to pay the increased costs for such
larger line and/or meter, which increased costs shall be the actual cost to the District of
the larger line and/or meter plus 20%. The fee for making any fire line tap shall be
$30.00 per inch of diameter of the fire line.
Each customer requesting an initial connection to the District's water system
shall also pay to the District the cost required to be paid by the District to the City of Fort
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Worth as a water impact fee or water access fee for the additional customer connection
to the Fort Worth water system.
Section 2- SEWER INSPECTION FEE. All connections to the District's
sanitary sewer system must be in compliance with the District's rules and regulations,
including the District's Plumbing Code (effective November 1, 1982, as subsequently
amended). No sewer connection or house lead shall be covered in the ground before a
representative of the District has inspected the connection. A fee of $150.00 shall be
received by the District for the expense of making such inspection.
Section 3- MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR. It shall be the responsibility of
each customer to maintain the water and sewer lines from the point of connection to the
District's water and sewer system to the building served.
Section 4: WATER AND SEWER RATES. Charges for water service, sewer
service, and standby fees shall be billed monthly. All bills shall be due and payable on
the 20th day of the month in the month in which the bill was received. Unless payment
is received on or before the 20th day of the month, such account shall be considered
delinquent. If the due date falls on a holiday or weekend, the due date for payment
purposes shall be the next working day after the due date. The District shall charge a
penalty on past due accounts calculated at the rate of ten percent (10%) per month on
water, sewer and standby charges. The rates for water and sewer service shall depend
upon the type of user and upon whether the water used has been chemically treated.
Monthly rates for water service, sewer service, and standby fees are hereby
established as follows:
(1) Chemically Treated Water. Water from the District's facilities which
has been mixed, chlorinated, or otherwise treated so that it is suitable for
human use and consumption shall be at the following rates:
(a) SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES. Each single family home shall
be billed as follows:
Administrative Fee (Does not include water usage) $11.00
0 to 6,000 gallons per month $2.00/1,000 gal
6,000 to 12,000 gallons per month $2.15/1,000 gal
12,000 to 25,000 gallons per month $2.25/1,000 gal
More than 25,000 Gallons per month $2.35/1,000 gal
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(b) COMMERCIAL. Each commercial business or a complex
of commercial buildings served by one meter shall be billed as
Administrative Fee (Does not include water usage) $11.00
0-6,000 gallons per month $2.00/1,000 gal
6,000 — 12,000 gallons per month $2.15/1,000 gal
12,000 - 25,000 gallons per month $2.25/1,000 gal
More than 25,000 gallons per month $2.35/1,000 gal
(c) CLUBS. Each club shall be deemed to be commercial
for purposes of water service.
(d) GOLF COURSE. Each meter shall be deemed to be
commercial for the purposes of water service.
( 1) Single Meter. Each multi -family building or complex
of multi -family buildings which is served by a single meter
shall be billed for water at the same rate as a single-family
home, with an administrative fee of $11.00 times the number
of units in the building or complex.
(ii) Multiple Meters. If a multi -family building or
complex of multi -family buildings is served by more than one
meter, then water delivered through each meter shall be
billed at the same rate as a single family home, with an
administrative fee of $11.00 times the number of units
served by the meter.
(2) Golf Course Irrigation Water to the Lakes. Water from the
District's facilities which has been mixed, chlorinated, or otherwise treated
so that it is suitable for human consumption shall be billed at the following
First 300,000 gal per month $1,000.00(minimum/month)
Over 300,000 gal per month $2.35 per 1,000 gallons
In addition to these charges, when the customer requests an amount of
water over 300,000 gallons per day, the customer shall be required to pay
its respective portion of any demand rate and/or minimal payment rate as
specified in the District's wholesale water supply contract with the City of
Fort Worth. However, if the customer's demand is absorbed by the
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District with no additional charges from Fort Worth, the District may in its
discretion waive the demand and/or minimal payment charges to the
(1) Single -Family Homes and Cottages. Each single-family home
and cottage shall be billed based upon the treated water used by such unit
that month, as follows:
Administrative Fee (does not include sewer usage) $11.00
0-6,000 gallons per month $2.00/1,000 gal
6, 000- 12,000 gallons per month $2.15/1,000 gal
12,000 gallons per month maximum for residential
Sewer Only Customers -
0 -6,000 gallons per month $2.00/1,000 gal
6,000 — 12,000 gallons per month $2.15/1,000 gal
Over 12,000 gallons per month $2.15/1,000 gal
(2) Commercial Buildings (including Clubs). Each commercial building
shall be billed for sewer service, based on the treated water used by such
unit that month, as follows:
Administrative Fee (does not include sewer usage) $11.00
0-6,000 gallons per month $2.00/1,000 gal
6,000 — 12,000 gallon per month $2.15/1,000 gal
Over 12,000 gallons per month $2.15/1,000 gal
(3) Multi -Family Buildings. Each unit in a multi -family building or
complex of multi -family buildings shall be billed at the same rate as a
single-family home, with an administrative fee of $11.00 times the number
of units in the building or complex.
Effective August 1, 2001, the effluent from the District's sewage treatment
plant will be sold to the Trophy Club Country Club and discharged into golf
course lakes at a charge of $.20 per thousand gallons. The charge will
remain in effect all year round and will apply in subsequent fiscal years
from October 1 through September 30.
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For those lots subject to recorded restrictive covenants that require or
authorize the District to charge a stand-by fee for water and sewer service
where the lot has water and sewer service available but the lot is not yet
connected to the District's system, the stand-by fee shall be $6.00 per
month. Unless otherwise provided by the terms of the recorded restrictive
covenant applicable to a particular lot, the stand-by charge shall
commence on the first day of the month following the date upon which
water and sewer service is available at the property line of the lot and the
charge shall cease on the first day of the month preceding the date upon
which water and sewer use charges become due and payable to the
District for water and sewer service supplied to the lot.
The water usage from the master meter reading
Less the reading from the "Blow Down" meter
Equals the "evaporation."
Water usage less "evaporation" equals sewer usage for
billing purposes.
Section 5: DISCONNECTION/RECONNECTION. Failure to pay all charges
when due may be deemed by the District as a breach of the contract for water and
sewer service and the District may, in its discretion, disconnect service until such
breach is remedied, and apply any security deposit to the customer's account. If
service to a customer is disconnected for non-payment, there shall be charged a
reconnection fee of $25.00 before service is again commenced to such customer, plus
payment by the customer of all outstanding charges. This reconnection will occur
during normal business hours. Reconnections requested after regular business hours
will be charged at a minimum of $65.00.
If service is temporarily disconnected at the customer's request, the charge for such
voluntary disconnection shall be $10.00 and the charge for subsequently reconnecting
the service shall also be $10.00. These charges apply to the connects and disconnects
that are completed during normal business hours.
RETURNED CHECKS: A charge of $15.00 shall be made on each
returned check.
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CONFIDENTIALITY REQUEST: A one time charge of $5.00 shall be
made on each confidentiality request as set forth in H.B. 859.
SAME DAY SERVICE: A charge of $25.00 shall be made on customer
requested same day service. As an example, this charge will be
implemented upon request by a customer for same day service to start or
terminate water and sewer service or to do re -reads the same day as
Section 7: ACCURACY READING FEE. A meter accuracy reading fee in the
amount of $25.00 shall be charged to a customer by the District for each meter
accuracy reading made by the District for such customer when the original reading
appears to be accurate. If the original meter reading appears to be in error, no fee will
be charged. Each customer will be allowed one accuracy meter reading per calendar
year at no charge.
BUILDERS: A $75.00 security deposit shall be required of builders for
each tap made by the District for such service connection, payable at or
prior to the time that such tap is made, and the security deposit is
refundable to the builder when the account is later transferred to an owner
if that account and all other accounts of the builder are current at the time
of the transfer; but, if that account or any other account of the same
builder is not current at the time of such transfer to an owner, then the
security deposit shall be applied against the outstanding balance of the
builder's account(s) at the time of such transfer.
RESIDENTIAL OWNERS: A security deposit of $40.00 shall be
required from each residential owner customer for a single-family home
connected to the District's system.
RESIDENTIAL LESSEES: A security deposit of $100.00 shall be
required from each residential lessee customer for a single-family home.
CONSTRUCTION METERS: A security deposit equal to the cost of the
meter shall be required from customers desiring to use a construction
OTHER CUSTOMERS: A security deposit equal to two month's
estimated average monthly water and sewer bill shall be required of all
other customers.
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Such security deposits shall be held by the District in escrow to assure prompt
payment of all charges for water and sewer service. No interest shall be allowed
on such deposits.
Section 9- EASEMENTS. Before service is begun to any customer, or once
begun before reconnection is made, the person requesting such service shall grant an
easement of ingress and egress to and from the meter(s) for such maintenance and
repair as the District, in its judgment, may deem necessary.
Section 10- NO FREE SERVICE. No free service shall be granted to any
customer, person, or entity for service furnished by the District's water and sewer
system whether such user be a charitable or eleemosynary institution, a political
subdivision, or municipal corporation, and all charges for water and sewer service shall
be made as required herein.
Section 11: REQUIRED SERVICE. No service will be given from the District's
water and sewer system unless the customer agrees to take both water and sewer
service, except that permanent irrigation only services may receive water only, and
projects under construction may, if they wish, receive water service only during the
period of such construction.
Section 12- SERVICE OUTSIDE THE DISTRICT. The rates and charges
stated in this Rate Order are for service to customers and property located within the
boundaries of the District. Any service to a customer or property located outside the
boundaries of the District shall be granted only upon special approval by the Board of
Directors of the District. Unless other provisions are established by a special contract
approved by the Board of Directors of the District, any service to customers or property
outside the boundaries of the District shall be at the same rates and terms as specified
in this Rate Order, except that regular charges for water, sewer, and tap charges shall
be doubled.
Section 13. INDUSTRIAL WASTE. The following policy regarding industrial
waste shall be effective:
Industrial waste shall mean waste discharges (other than domestic sewage) of
industries identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, Bureau of
the Budget, 1967, as amended and supplemented, under the category Division D
-- Manufacturing, and such other waste as the Commissioner of the Federal
Water Quality Administration deems appropriate pursuant to 18 C.F.R. Section
601.34 as amended.
If any customer of the District's sanitary sewer system proposes to discharge
industrial waste into such system, the Board of Directors of the District shall
request the recommendation of the District Engineer and shall establish rates
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and charges to provide for an equitable assessment of costs whereby such rates
and charges for discharges of industrial waste correspond to the cost of waste
treatment, taking into account the volume and strength of the industrial,
domestic, commercial waste, and all other waste discharges treated and
techniques of the treatment required. Such rates shall be an equitable system of
cost recovery which is sufficient to produce revenues, in proportion to the
percentage of industrial wastes proportionately relative to the total waste load to
be treated by the District for the operation and maintenance of the treatment
works, for the amortization of the District' indebtedness for the cost as may be
necessary to assure adequate waste treatment on a continuing basis.
The Board of Directors of the District shall also request the recommendation of
the District Engineer and shall require pretreatment of any industrial waste which
would otherwise be detrimental to the treatment works or to its proper and
efficient operation and maintenance or will otherwise prevent the entry of such
industrial waste into the treatment plant.
Section 14: STORM DRAIN ASSESSMENT. A monthly Storm Drainage
Assessment Fee of $1.00 will be charged to all customers (whether water or sewer or
both) to fund the Federally mandated storm drainage requirements.
Section 15: TITLE OF ORDER. This Rate Order shall be known as the "2001
Rate Order (Order #2001-0801) of the District.
Section 16: EFFECTIVE DATE. This order shall be effective as of August 1,
2001, or the date immediately following the date upon which meter readings are made
during the month of August 2001, whichever is earlier.
Section 17: PUBLIC MEETING. It is hereby found that the meeting at which
this order is adopted is open to the public as required by law, and that public notice of
the time, place, and subject matter of said meeting and of the proposed adoption of this
Order was given as required by law.
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DEAN HENRY, Presirent
Board of Directors, T ophy Club
Municipal Utility District No. 1
M, HASE, Secretary`
bard of Directors, Trophy Club
Municipal Utility District No. 1
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