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2014-0422C Resolution Amending the 2014 Fiscal Year Budget
1 TROPHY CLUB M.U.D. NO. 1 FY 2014 BUDGET AMENDMENT # 1 AMENDED APRIL 22, 2014 Trophy Club MUD No.1 FY 2014 Budget April 22, 2014 2 GENERAL FUND Account Description Original Amount PROPOSED AMENDED YTD Total Budget $ (+/-)FY 2014 thru 3/31/14 Comments General Fund Revenues 135-40000-000-000 Property Taxes 99,250 0 99,250 96,938 135-40002-000-000 Property Taxes/Delinquent 0 0 0 34 135-40015-000-000 Property Taxes/P & I 900 0 900 351 135-43215-000-000 Insurance Settlement 0 0 0 82 135-47000-000-000 Water 3,749,310 0 3,749,310 1,137,814 135-47005-000-000 Sewer 1,708,321 0 1,708,321 850,728 135-47025-000-000 Penalties 64,522 0 64,522 24,327 135-47030-000-000 Service Charges (Disconnect Fees)9,075 0 9,075 4,018 135-47035-000-000 Plumbing Inspections 1,200 800 2,000 1,500 ADDITIONAL PLUMBING INSPECTIONS PERFORMED 135-47045-000-000 Sewer Inspections 4,400 600 5,000 4,650 ADDITIONAL SEWER INSPECTIONS PERFORMED 135-47070-000-000 TCCC Effluent Charges 79,586 0 79,586 10,026 135-48005-000-000 Utility Fees 582,109 0 582,109 186,300 135-49010-000-000 Interest Income 4,800 0 4,800 3,044 135-49016-000-000 Cell Tower Revenue 10,164 0 10,164 5,463 135-49018-000-000 Building Rent Income 7,000 0 7,000 3,500 135-49030-000-000 Vending Revenue 350 0 350 146 135-49035-000-000 Prior Year Reserves 0 880,000 880,000 0 FUNDS FOR WASTEWATER PLANT ENGINEERING: TO BE REIMBURSED FROM BONDS 135-49036-000-000 GASB Reserves 8,964 0 8,964 0 135-49075-000-000 Oversize Meter Reimbursement 84,000 0 84,000 46,104 135-49900-000-000 Miscellaneous Income 3,000 0 3,000 1,158 135-49901-000-000 Records Management Revenue 100 0 100 0 135-49903-000-000 Recovery of Prior Year Expense 0 4,087 4,087 4,087 WORKERS COMPENSATION AUDIT ADJUSTMENT 135-49905-000-000 Gas Well Revenue 885 0 885 0 Total 6,417,937 885,487 7,303,424 2,380,271 General Fund Expenses Water 135-50005-010-000 Salaries & Wages 287,709 0 287,709 128,805 135-50010-010-000 Overtime 13,391 3,000 16,391 10,526 AMOUNT UNDERBUDGETED 135-50016-010-000 Longevity 4,905 0 4,905 4,905 135-50017-010-000 Certification 5,100 0 5,100 2,025 135-50020-010-000 Retirement 27,847 0 27,847 13,578 135-50026-010-000 Medical Insurance 48,334 0 48,334 19,141 135-50027-010-000 Dental Insurance 3,932 0 3,932 1,428 135-50028-010-000 Vision Insurance 873 0 873 344 135-50029-010-000 Life Insurance & Other 3,306 0 3,306 1,236 135-50030-010-000 Social Security Taxes 19,289 0 19,289 9,405 135-50035-010-000 Medicare Taxes 4,511 0 4,511 2,200 135-50040-010-000 Unemployment Taxes 54 1,190 1,244 1,244 INCREASE OF $198 PER EMPLOYEE PER YEAR IN SUTA RATE 135-50045-010-000 Workman's Compensation 9,829 0 9,829 4,815 135-50060-010-000 Pre-emp Physicals/Testing 200 150 350 234 ACCIDENT TESTING INCLUDED IN THIS LINE ITEM 135-50070-010-000 Employee Relations 300 0 300 108 135-55005-010-000 Engineering 3,000 3,000 6,000 0 ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING FOR INDIAN CREEK PROJECT (ADD OF MEADOWBROOK) 135-55080-010-000 Maintenance & Repairs 50,000 11,000 61,000 31,767 EMERGENCY 16" WATER LINE REPAIR; NUMEROUS SMALL LINE BREAKS; FIRE LINES 135-55090-010-000 Vehicle Maintenance 5,000 5,000 2,480 135-55105-010-000 Maintenance-Heavy Equipment 3,500 -1,000 2,500 248 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-55135-010-000 Lab Analysis 5,500 0 5,500 1,195 Trophy Club MUD No.1 FY 2014 Budget April 22, 2014 3 Account Description Original Amount PROPOSED AMENDED YTD Total Budget $ (+/-)FY 2014 thru 3/31/14 Comments 135-60010-010-000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 4,913 0 4,913 1,915 135-60020-010-000 Electricity 162,160 -7,000 155,160 47,457 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60066-010-000 Publications/Books/Subscripts 500 2,038 2,538 0 AWWA STANDARDS COST $2500 135-60070-010-000 Dues & Memberships 150 150 300 289 AMOUNT UNDERBUDGETED 135-60080-010-000 Schools & Training 4,184 -2,684 1,500 1,065 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60090-010-000 Safety Program 400 -400 0 0 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60100-010-000 Travel & per diem 1,450 -1,171 279 171 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60105-010-000 Rent/Lease Equipment 500 0 500 24 135-60135-010-000 TCEQ Fees & Permits 47,400 47,400 32,196 135-60150-010-000 Wholesale Water 2,338,473 0 2,338,473 625,679 135-60245-010-000 Miscellaneous Expenses 200 0 200 0 135-60280-010-000 Property Maintenance 3,500 0 3,500 1,090 135-60285-010-000 Lawn Equipment & Maintenance 250 0 250 0 135-60360-010-000 Furniture/Equipment < $5000 3,500 -1,500 2,000 1,664 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-65005-010-000 Fuel & Lube 23,181 -1,000 22,181 5,809 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE MOVED TO MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 135-65010-010-000 Uniforms 3,270 -770 2,500 1,939 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-65030-010-000 Chemicals 5,000 0 5,000 2,667 135-65035-010-000 Small Tools 1,200 0 1,200 465 135-65040-010-000 Safety Equipment 1,000 0 1,000 323 135-65050-010-000 Meter Expense 143,550 0 143,550 60,287 135-69005-010-000 Capital Outlays 37,000 -1,319 35,681 35,680 NAME CHANGE PER AUDITOR- SEE GF-A 135-69008-010-000 Short Term Debt-Principal 489,980 0 489,980 122,980 135-69009-010-000 Short Term Debt-Interest 19,268 0 19,268 11,621 135-69195-010-000 Gasb34/Reserve for Replacement 30,000 -30,000 0 0 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-69280-010-000 Capital Repairs 7,500 -7,500 0 0 COMBINED WITH CAPITAL OUTLAYS PER AUDITOR- SEE GF-A 135-69281-010-000 Tank Inspection Contract 106,848 -6,000 100,848 100,817 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-55135-010-001 Lab Analysis for the PID 1,000 1,000 2,000 698 SPLIT PID LAB FEES FROM MUD FEES AS BILLED SEPARATELY; TCEQ ADDED SAMPLING THIS YEAR FOR PID 135-60135-010-001 TCEQ Fees & Permits-PID 0 5,000 5,000 2,496 SPLIT TCEQ FEES & PERMITS FROM MUD FEES AS BILLED SEPARATELY Subtotal Water 3,932,956 -33,816 3,899,140 1,293,013 Wastewater 135-50005-020-000 Salaries & Wages 202,894 0 202,894 93,899 135-50010-020-000 Overtime 11,965 0 11,965 7,104 135-50016-020-000 Longevity 2,998 0 2,998 2,998 135-50017-020-000 Certification 4,800 0 4,800 2,400 135-50020-020-000 Retirement 19,905 0 19,905 10,023 135-50026-020-000 Medical Insurance 43,471 0 43,471 20,108 135-50027-020-000 Dental Insurance 2,989 0 2,989 1,314 135-50028-020-000 Vision Insurance 658 0 658 304 135-50029-020-000 Life Insurance & Other 2,303 0 2,303 1,036 135-50030-020-000 Social Security Taxes 13,805 0 13,805 6,153 135-50035-020-000 Medicare Taxes 3,229 0 3,229 1,439 135-50040-020-000 Unemployment Taxes 36 792 828 828 INCREASE OF $198 PER EMPLOYEE PER YEAR IN SUTA RATE 135-50045-020-000 Workman's Compensation 6,552 0 6,552 3,210 135-50060-020-000 Pre-emp Physicals/Testing 150 0 150 63 135-50070-020-000 Employee Relations 350 0 350 60 135-55070-020-000 Independent Labor 0 880,000 880,000 460,866 ENGINEERING FOR WASTEWATER PLANT EXPANSION- TO BE REIMBURSED FROM BONDS 135-55080-020-000 Maintenance & Repairs 35,000 1,120 36,120 23,694 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE MOVED TO MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 135-55090-020-000 Vehicle Maintenance 2,000 0 2,000 1,227 135-55105-020-000 Maintenance-Heavy Equipment 500 -500 0 0 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-55125-020-000 Dumpster Services 52,000 -5,000 47,000 24,775 REDUCTION DUE TO PROCESS CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS Trophy Club MUD No.1 FY 2014 Budget April 22, 2014 4 Account Description Original Amount PROPOSED AMENDED YTD Total Budget $ (+/-)FY 2014 thru 3/31/14 Comments 135-55135-020-000 Lab Analysis 30,000 0 30,000 15,851 135-60010-020-000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 3,329 0 3,329 1,230 135-60020-020-000 Electricity 148,229 -10,000 138,229 48,642 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60066-020-000 Publications/Books/Subscripts 400 0 400 351 135-60080-020-000 Schools & Training 2,636 -1,000 1,636 517 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60090-020-000 Safety Program 250 250 500 432 ADDITIONAL SAFETY EXPENSES 135-60100-020-000 Travel & per diem 1,050 0 1,050 293 135-60105-020-000 Rent/Lease Equipment 1,500 0 1,500 300 135-60135-020-000 TCEQ Fees & Permits 17,150 0 17,150 8,919 135-60243-020-000 Prior Year Expense 0 3,554 3,554 3,554 VENDOR INVOICE FROM PRIOR FISCAL YEAR- (HACH SENT BILL FROM 2011) 135-60245-020-000 Miscellaneous Expenses 200 200 0 135-60285-020-000 Lawn Equipment & Maintenance 500 -250 250 0 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60360-020-000 Furniture/Equipment < $5000 3,000 -1,921 1,079 1,079 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-65005-020-000 Fuel & Lube 14,720 -1,120 13,600 5,323 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE MOVED TO MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS 135-65010-020-000 Uniforms 1,752 0 1,752 1,437 135-65030-020-000 Chemicals 39,000 -8,000 31,000 14,158 IMPROVEMENTS OF PLANT OPERATIONS REDUCING CHEMICAL NEED 135-65035-020-000 Small Tools 1,000 -700 300 91 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-65040-020-000 Safety Equipment 250 250 500 231 ADDITIONAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT 135-65045-020-000 Lab Supplies 15,000 0 15,000 6,643 135-69005-020-000 Capital Outlays 31,000 -31,000 0 0 NAME CHANGE PER AUDITOR- SEE GF-A 135-69008-020-000 Short Term Debt-Principal 20,020 0 20,020 20,020 135-69009-020-000 Short Term Debt-Interest 1,422 0 1,422 1,044 135-69280-020-000 Capital Repairs 30,000 -30,000 0 0 COMBINED WITH CAPITAL OUTLAYS PER AUDITOR- SEE GF-A Subtotal Wastewater 768,011 796,475 1,564,486 791,615 Collection 135-50005-021-000 Salaries & Wages 90,299 0 90,299 33,176 135-50010-021-000 Overtime 10,028 0 10,028 2,359 135-50016-021-000 Longevity 17,913 -15,805 2,108 2,108 NOTED CALCULATION ERROR IN ORIGINAL BUDGET 135-50017-021-000 Certification 1,800 0 1,800 900 135-50020-021-000 Retirement 9,025 0 9,025 3,816 135-50026-021-000 Medical Insurance 23,668 0 23,668 9,674 135-50027-021-000 Dental Insurance 1,703 0 1,703 710 135-50028-021-000 Vision Insurance 314 0 314 147 135-50029-021-000 Life Insurance & Other 1,066 0 1,066 539 135-50030-021-000 Social Security Taxes 7,442 0 7,442 2,379 135-50035-021-000 Medicare Taxes 1,741 0 1,741 556 135-50040-021-000 Unemployment Taxes 198 216 414 303 INCREASE OF $198 PER EMPLOYEE PER YEAR IN SUTA RATE 135-50045-021-000 Workman's Compensation 3,276 0 3,276 1,605 135-50070-021-000 Employee Relations 200 0 200 132 135-55005-021-000 Engineering 1,500 -1,500 0 0 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-55080-021-000 Maintenance & Repairs 23,801 -9,350 14,451 4,114 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-55090-021-000 Vehicle Maintenance 2,000 0 2,000 999 135-60010-021-000 Communications/Pagers/Mobiles 1,333 0 1,333 686 135-60020-021-000 Electricity 21,178 0 21,178 10,040 135-60070-021-000 Dues & Memberships 250 0 250 0 135-60080-021-000 Schools & Training 1,711 -800 911 0 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60090-021-000 Safety Program 300 0 300 0 135-60100-021-000 Travel & per diem 550 -300 250 0 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60105-021-000 Rent/Lease Equipment 10,000 -5,000 5,000 0 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-60245-021-000 Miscellaneous Expenses 100 0 100 0 Trophy Club MUD No.1 FY 2014 Budget April 22, 2014 5 Account Description Original Amount PROPOSED AMENDED YTD Total Budget $ (+/-)FY 2014 thru 3/31/14 Comments 135-65005-021-000 Fuel & Lube 22,397 -650 21,747 5,890 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-65010-021-000 Uniforms 1,040 0 1,040 814 135-65030-021-000 Chemicals 6,000 -4,000 2,000 0 USED LESS CHEMICALS DUE TO LESS GREASE IN LINES 135-65035-021-000 Small Tools 1,000 -700 300 44 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-65040-021-000 Safety Equipment 500 250 750 587 AMOUNT UNDERBUDGETED 135-69005-021-000 Capital Outlays 100,000 14,000 114,000 68,300 NAME CHANGE PER AUDITOR- SEE GF-A 135-69008-021-000 Short Term Debt-Principal 35,991 0 35,991 0 135-69009-021-000 Short Term Debt-Interest 2,846 0 2,846 0 135-69280-021-000 Capital Repairs 71,000 -71,000 0 0 COMBINED WITH CAPITAL OUTLAYS PER AUDITOR- SEE GF-A Subtotal Collection 472,170 -94,639 377,531 149,880 Board of Directors 135-50005-026-000 Salaries & Wages 10,000 0 10,000 5,200 135-50030-026-000 Social Security Taxes 620 0 620 322 135-50035-026-000 Medicare Taxes 145 0 145 75 135-50040-026-000 Unemployment Taxes 10 220 230 65 INCREASE IN SUTA RATE 135-50045-026-000 Workman's Compensation 36 0 36 18 135-60066-026-000 Publications/Books/Subscripts 150 0 150 0 135-60070-026-000 Dues & Memberships 500 0 500 35 135-60075-026-000 Meetings 1,200 0 1,200 36 135-60080-026-000 Schools & Training 4,000 0 4,000 265 135-60100-026-000 Travel & per diem 5,000 0 5,000 0 135-60245-026-000 Miscellaneous Expenses 1,000 0 1,000 0 Subtotal Board of Directors 22,661 220 22,881 6,016 Administration 135-50005-030-000 Salaries & Wages 458,721 0 458,721 213,534 135-50010-030-000 Overtime 500 250 750 568 ADDITIONAL TIME FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION EVENTS 135-50016-030-000 Longevity 3,018 0 3,018 3,078 135-50020-030-000 Retirement 41,419 0 41,419 20,475 135-50026-030-000 Medical Insurance 57,923 0 57,923 27,746 135-50027-030-000 Dental Insurance 5,100 0 5,100 2,180 135-50028-030-000 Vision Insurance 1,087 0 1,087 492 135-50029-030-000 Life Insurance & Other 4,483 1,017 5,500 2,539 CHANGED CAFETERIA PLAN 1/1/14 135-50030-030-000 Social Security Taxes 28,659 0 28,659 13,395 135-50035-030-000 Medicare Taxes 6,702 0 6,702 3,133 135-50040-030-000 Unemployment Taxes 63 1,386 1,449 1,449 INCREASE OF $198 PER EMPLOYEE PER YEAR IN SUTA RATE 135-50045-030-000 Workman's Compensation 1,575 0 1,575 772 135-50060-030-000 Pre-emp Physicals/Testing 200 0 200 0 135-50070-030-000 Employee Relations 5,000 0 5,000 2,663 135-55030-030-000 Software & Support 59,698 0 59,698 21,024 135-55070-030-000 Independent Labor 7,700 -700 7,000 4,923 REDUCTION DUE TO REALLOCATION OF FUNDS 135-55080-030-000 Maintenance & Repairs 4,500 0 4,500 13 135-55100-030-000 Building Maint & Supplies 6,500 0 6,500 1,930 135-55120-030-000 Cleaning Services 19,140 0 19,140 9,570 135-55160-030-000 Professional Outside Services 15,000 -5,000 10,000 0 RATE STUDY EXPENSED TO INDEPENDENT LABOR 135-55161-030-000 Town Personnel Contract 77,048 0 77,048 77,048 135-55165-030-000 Collection Fees 200 0 200 0 135-55205-030-000 Utility Billing Contract 6,808 0 6,808 2,900 135-60005-030-000 Telephone 11,250 0 11,250 6,207 135-60010-030-000 Communications/Mobiles 3,589 468 4,057 1,494 CELL PLAN ADJUSTMENT 135-60020-030-000 Electricity 15,171 0 15,171 6,319 Trophy Club MUD No.1 FY 2014 Budget April 22, 2014 6 Account Description Original Amount PROPOSED AMENDED YTD Total Budget $ (+/-)FY 2014 thru 3/31/14 Comments 135-60025-030-000 Water 1,500 0 1,500 430 135-60035-030-000 Postage 28,500 0 28,500 11,004 135-60040-030-000 Bank Service Charges & Fees 28,330 0 28,330 14,666 135-60050-030-000 Bad Debt Expense 1,500 4,700 6,200 4,197 $3000 PORTABLE METER CHARGES WERE WRITTEN OFF 135-60055-030-000 Insurance 53,561 0 53,561 25,747 135-60066-030-000 Publications/Books/Subscripts 1,000 0 1,000 401 135-60070-030-000 Dues & Memberships 4,500 0 4,500 4,012 135-60075-030-000 Meetings 400 0 400 0 135-60079-030 Public Education 0 5,000 5,000 275 RECLASSIFIED FROM MISCELLANEOUS & DM DISCRETIONARY 135-60080-030-000 Schools & Training 7,500 -700 6,800 1,651 REDUCED NUMBER OF CLASSES NEEDED THIS YEAR 135-60100-030-000 Travel & per diem 5,000 0 5,000 822 135-60110-030-000 Physicals/Testing 200 0 200 0 135-60115-030-000 Elections 2,500 0 2,500 0 135-60125-030-000 Advertising 2,500 0 2,500 589 135-60235-030-000 Security 1,350 0 1,350 124 135-60245-030-000 Miscellaneous Expenses & DM Discretionary 22,870 -5,000 17,870 376 RECLASSIFIED TO PUBLIC EDUCATION 135-60270-030-000 4th of July Celebration 10,500 0 10,500 0 135-60336-030-000 Intergov Trans Out (MUD I&S)0 0 0 0 135-60344-030-000 Intergov Trans Out (Fire Dept.)0 0 0 0 135-60360-030-000 Furniture/Equipment < $5000 2,500 0 2,500 0 135-65010-030-000 Uniforms 1,390 0 1,390 999 135-65055-030-000 Hardware IT 13,562 0 13,562 2,178 135-65085-030-000 Office Supplies 9,100 0 9,100 2,368 135-65090-030-000 Printer Supplies & Maintenance 5,732 0 5,732 1,474 135-65095-030-000 Maintenance Supplies 2,500 0 2,500 1,469 135-65097-030-000 Vending Machine Supplies 200 0 200 77 135-65105-030-000 Printing 4,000 0 4,000 2,348 135-69005-030-000 Capital Outlays 0 0 0 0 NAME CHANGE PER AUDITOR 135-69170-030-000 Copier Lease Installments 3,450 0 3,450 1,284 135-69195-030-000 Gasb34/Reserve for Replacement IT 0 0 0 0 Subtotal Administration 1,055,198 1,421 1,056,619 499,944 Non Departmental 135-55045-039-000 Legal 131,300 215,826 347,126 114,582 ADDITIONAL LEGAL FOR PID CONTRACT AND BOND PROTESTS 135-55055-039-000 Auditing 21,840 0 21,840 21,200 135-55060-039-000 Appraisal 10,000 0 10,000 6,244 135-55065-039-000 Tax Admin Fees 3,800 3,800 2,451 Subtotal Non Departmental 166,940 215,826 382,766 144,478 Total General Fund Revenues 6,417,937 885,487 7,303,424 2,380,271 Total General Fund Expenses 6,417,937 885,487 7,303,424 2,884,946 Net Budget Surplus (Deficit)0 0 0 Trophy Club MUD No.1 FY 2014 Budget April 22, 2014 7 FIRE DEPARTMENT Account Description Original Amend #1 PROPOSED AMENDED YTD Total Budget Budget FY 2014 thru 3/31/14 Comments Revenues 122-40001-000-000 Assessment - Emerg Svcs 305,445 0 305,445 305,154 122-40003-000-000 Emer Svcs Assessmen/Delinquent 0 0 0 1 122-40010-000-000 Property Taxes/MUD Fire 927,555 0 927,555 905,529 122-40011-000-000 Property Taxes/Fire-Delinquent 0 0 0 726 122-40015-000-000 Property Taxes/Assessments P&I 750 0 750 225 122-40020-000-000 Property Taxes/Fire P&I 4,500 0 4,500 3,543 122-42014-000-000 Fire Permits/Sprinkler 6,000 0 6,000 2,800 122-43400-000-000 Fire Inspections 700 0 700 525 122-43415-000-000 Denton/Tarrant Cty Pledge-Fire 10,000 0 10,000 0 122-49035-000-000 Prior Year Reserves 0 0 0 0 122-49900-000-000 Miscellaneous Income 6,000 0 6,000 4,475 Total 1,260,950 0 1,260,950 1,222,977 Expenses 122-50005-045-000 Salaries & Wages 455,916 0 455,916 220,775 122-50010-045-000 Overtime 44,225 0 44,225 16,848 122-50011-045-000 Holiday Pay 13,529 0 13,529 13,290 122-50016-045-000 Longevity 4,768 0 4,768 4,655 122-50017-045-000 Certification 4,350 0 4,350 2,214 122-50020-045-000 Retirement 70,991 0 70,991 36,293 122-50026-045-000 Medical Insurance 56,968 0 56,968 24,509 122-50027-045-000 Dental Insurance 4,230 0 4,230 1,998 122-50028-045-000 Vision Insurance 892 0 892 416 122-50029-045-000 Life Insurance & Other 4,250 0 4,250 1,869 122-50030-045-000 Social Security Taxes 32,980 0 32,980 14,823 122-50035-045-000 Medicare Taxes 7,713 0 7,713 3,466 122-50040-045-000 Unemployment Taxes 2,259 0 2,259 1,536 122-50045-045-000 Workman's Compensation 8,708 0 8,708 3,977 122-50060-045-000 Pre-employment Physicals/Test 500 0 500 206 122-50075-045-000 Tuition Reimbursement 600 0 600 0 122-55030-045-000 Software & Support 8,682 -1,848 6,834 463 Reduced to fund prior year expense 122-55045-045-000 Legal 5,000 -1,609 3,391 -2,506 Reduced to fund prior year expense 122-55080-045-000 Maintenance & Repairs 20,472 0 20,472 9,333 122-55090-045-000 Vehicle Maintenance 14,850 0 14,850 2,919 122-60005-045-000 Telephone 100 0 100 3 122-60010-045-000 Communications/Mobiles 4,237 0 4,237 1,388 122-60020-045-000 Electricity/Gas 6,568 2,700 9,268 3,680 Additional expense due to very cold weather 122-60025-045-000 Water 1,500 0 1,500 407 122-60030-045-000 Rent And/Or Usage 214,279 0 214,279 214,279 122-60035-045-000 Postage 100 0 100 30 122-60055-045-000 Insurance 12,111 0 12,111 6,098 122-60066-045-000 Publications/Books/Subscrips 400 0 400 113 122-60070-045-000 Dues & Memberships 15,180 0 15,180 8,198 Trophy Club MUD No.1 FY 2014 Budget April 22, 2014 8 Account Description Original Amend #1 PROPOSED AMENDED YTD Total Budget Budget FY 2014 thru 3/31/14 Comments 122-60080-045-000 Schools & Training 4,280 0 4,280 2,270 122-60096-045-000 Emergency Management 2,000 0 2,000 1,525 122-60100-045-000 Travel & per diem 4,577 0 4,577 1,812 122-60110-045-000 Physicals/Testing 2,000 0 2,000 0 122-60125-045-000 Advertising 200 -200 0 0 Reduced to fund additional electric/gas 122-60160-045-000 Programs & Special Projects 4,500 0 4,500 341 122-60180-045-000 Fire Inspection/Enforcement 1,500 0 1,500 150 122-60195-045-000 Flags & Repair 2,000 0 2,000 833 122-60243-045 Prior Year Expense 0 3,457 3,457 3,457 Additional expense from prior year 122-60245-045-000 Miscellaneous Expense 1,000 0 1,000 360 122-65005-045-000 Fuel & Lube 11,698 -1,500 10,198 3,917 Reduced to fund additional electric/gas 122-65010-045-000 Uniforms 3,360 0 3,360 1,386 122-65015-045-000 Protective Clothing 7,600 0 7,600 1,652 122-65030-045-000 Chemicals 1,000 -500 500 0 Reduced to fund additional electric/gas 122-65035-045-000 Small Tools 2,500 0 2,500 345 122-65085-045-000 Office Supplies 1,000 -500 500 161 Reduced to fund additional electric/gas 122-65105-045-000 Printing 100 0 100 0 122-69008-045-000 Short Term Debt -Principal 70,000 0 70,000 0 122-69009-045-000 Short Term Debt -Interest 3,031 0 3,031 1,516 122-69050-045-000 Radios 34,200 0 34,200 0 122-69195-045-000 GASB34/Reserve for Replacement 67,647 67,647 0 122-69255-045-000 Airpacks 20,400 0 20,400 0 Total 1,260,950 0 1,260,950 611,003 Total Fire Revenues 1,260,950 0 1,260,950 Total Fire Expenses 1,260,950 0 1,260,950 Net Budget Surplus (Deficit)0 0 0 9 SCHEDULE GF - A CAPITAL OUTLAYS- FY 14 AMENDED BUDGET WATER - PURCHASES WATER - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Phoenix & Pebble Bearch 4" water line & 2- 6in valves 11250 Trophy Wood & Pebble Beach 10" Valve 8,226 Mag Meter 16,205 Total:0 Total:35,681 WASTEWATER - PURCHASES WASTEWATER - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Total:0 Total:0 COLLECTION - PURCHASES COLLECTION - MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Replacement of Truck- Unit #301 45,000 Lift Station No.4 69,000 0 0 0 Total:45,000 Total:69,000 WATER - CAPITAL PURCHASES WATER - CAPITAL REPAIRS ADMINISTRATION - CAPITAL PURCHASES DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Replacement of Truck- Unit #104 37,000 Water Line Replacement 223 Phoenix 7,500 Total:37,000 Total:7,500 Total:0 WASTEWATER - CAPITAL PURCHASES WASTEWATER - CAPITAL REPAIRS ADMINISTRATION - CAPITAL REPAIRS DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Skid Loader 25,000 Repair Digester Blowers & Motors 30000 Aerator for Effluent 6,000 Total:0 Total:31,000 Total:30,000 COLLECTION - CAPITAL PURCHASES COLLECTION - CAPITAL REPAIRS DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Replacement of Truck- Unit #301 45,000 Oakhill Ln 71,000 Smoke Testing & Manhole Repairs 55,000 0 0 0 Total:100,000 Total:71,000 CAPITAL EXPENSES- FY 14 BUDGET