HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-0221 Order Canceling May 4, 2024 Director Election and Certificate of Unopposed CandidatesOrder No. 2024-0221 Canceling Election
ORDER NO. 2024-0221
The Board of Directors of Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 hereby cancels the
election scheduled to be held on May 4, 2024, in accordance with Section 2.053(a) of the Texas
Election Code. The following candidates have been certified as unopposed and are hereby elected
as follows:
El Distrito Municipal Nro. 1 de Trophy Club por la presente cancela la election que, de
lo contrario, se hubiera celebrado el 4 de mayo de 2024, de conformidad con la Seccion 2.053(a)
del Codigo de Elecciones de Texas. Los siguientes candidatos han sido certifzcados como
candidatos zinicos y por la presente quedan elegidos como se haya indicado a continuation:
Hqi ddng quern tri cua Khu tien ich thank pile; Trophy Club so 1 hizy b� cugc bau tie du
kien to civic vao ngay 4 thong 5 nam 2024, theo Myc 2.053(a) cua Bo luat bau tie Texas. Cac ung
pie vien sau day da dugc chieeng nhan la khong c� ung tie vien ver dzeac bau nhze sau:
Candidate (Candidato) (Ng vien)
Kevin R. Carr
Bill Rose
Office Sought (Cargo al que presenta candidatura)
(van phong tim kiem)
Director, Place 1
Director, Place 2
A copy of this order will be posted on Election Day at each polling place that would have been
used in the election.
El dia de las elecciones se exhibira una Copia de esta orden en todas las mesas electorales que se
hubieran utilizados en la election.
Mot ban sao cua lenh nay se dugc dang vao Ngay Bau cir tai moi dia diem bo phieu 1e ra da dugc
sir dung trong cuoc bau cir.
Doug Harper
Secretary, Board of Directors
Secretario, Mesa Directiva
Thu14, Hoi dong quail tri
Kevin R. Carr
President, Board of Directors
Presidente, Mesa Directiva
Chu tich, Hqi gong quern tri
gi l'� rW, ✓r J , (2i)J1q
Date of adopn (Fecha de adoption) (Ngay nhan con nuoi
1 of 1
Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1
By the District Secretary
I, Laurie Slaght, hereby certify that I am the District Secretary of Trophy Club
Municipal Utility District No. 1, Trophy Club, Texas, and the authority responsible for
preparing the ballot for the May 4, 2024, General Election. I further certify no
person has made a declaration of write-in candidacy and the following candidates
are unopposed:
Kevin R. Carr is unopposed for the office of Director, Place 1.
Bill Rose is unopposed for the office of Director, Place 2.
Laurie Slaght, Distric ' e retary
Trophy Club Municipat`Utility District No. 1
Dated this 21st day of February 2024.
OPOSICION Por el secretario Distrital
Yo, Laurie Slaght, por la presente certifico que soy la secretaria El Distrito
Municipal N°1 de Trophy Club de Trophy Club, Trophy Club, Texas, y la
autoridad responsible de preparar la boleta para las Elecciones Generales del
4 de mayo de 2024. Certifico ademas que ninguna persona ha hecho una
declaracion de candidature por escrito y que los siguientes candidatos no
tienen oposicion:
Kevin R. Carr no tiene oposicion para el cargo de director, Lugar 1.
Bill Rose no tiene oposicion para el cargo de director, Lugar 2.
fr Awe
rie Slaght, secreta
El Distrito Municipal N
Fecha esta dia 21 de febrero de 2024.
February 21, 2024
Certification of Unopposed Candidates
Certificacion de Candidatas No Opuestas
Chtrng nhan cua cac irng cir vin Wong co doi thu
e distrito
de Trophy Club
Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1
Bai Bi thu' Quan
Toi, Laurie Slaght, qua day xac nhan rang t61 la Thu. ky Quan cua Cau lac bo Trophy
Club Tien ich Thanh ph6 S6 1, Cali lac bo Trophy, Texas, va la ngu'di chiu trach nhiem
chugn bi la phi 'u cho Cuoc T6ng tuyen cid ngay 4 thang 5 nam 2024. Toi xac nhan
them rang chu'a co ngu'di nao tuyen b6 tang cif bang cach vial ten vao va cac u'ng cir
vien sau day khong bi phan d61:
Kevin R. Carr khong du'ic ling cu' vao chitc vu Giam cloc, Dia diem 1.
Bill Rose khong co ting cu' vien nao cho chic vu Giam d6c, Dia diem 2.
Laurie Slaght, thu' ky khan ph6i Cat.' lac bo
Trophy Club Tien ich Thanh ph6 Quan 1
Ngay 21 thang 2 nam 2024.
February 21, 2024
Certification of Unopposed Candidates
Certificacidn de Candidatas No Opuestas
Chung nhan cua cac ung c r vien khong co doi thu