HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-0918C Adopting Cash Reserve PolicyTROPHY CLUB MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1
WHEREAS, Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1 (the "District") is duly created
and existing municipal utility district created and operating under Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas
Water Code, as amended;
WHEREAS, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board ("GASB") released
Statement No. 54 "Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions" on March
11, 2009. The objective of GASB Statement No. 54 is to enhance the usefulness of fund balance
information by providing clearer fund balance classifications and by clarifying governmental fund
type definitions;
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the District desires to implement GASB Statement
No. 54, and in connection therewith, desires to adopt certain policies for the establishment, funding
and management of the District's reserve funds including specifying the target balances for each
reserve fund; and
WHEREAS, the objective of the Policy is to enhance the District's financial position,
provide clear policies regarding the funding of reserve funds, and to establish and maintain
adequate reserve funds to secure the District's financial position.
Section 1. The matters and facts recited in the preamble to this Order are found to be true
and correct and the same are incorporated herein as a part of this Order.
Section 2. The Board has reviewed the Reserve Policy and finds and declares that the
Reserve Policy in the form attached hereto is hereby approved and adopted, and such Policy shall
replace and supersede in its entirety the Policy adopted pursuant to Resolution No. 2024-0918C
and any prior Cash Reserve Policy of the District.
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Section 1.01. Background.
One of the key attributes ofa financially stable organization is the establishment and maintenance
of appropriate financial reserves. Adequate reserves position an organization to weather
significant economic downturns more effectively, manage the consequences of outside agency
actions that may result in increased costs, and address unexpected emergencies, such as natural
disasters, catastrophic events caused by human activity, or excessive liabilities or legal judgments
against the organization. In concert with Trophy Club Municipal Utility District No. 1's (the
"District") other financial policies, this Reserve Policy establishes fund balance policies to
enhance the District's financial stability.
Section 2.01. General.
Reserve funds will be accumulated and maintained in a manner that allows the funding of costs
and capital investments consistent with the District's capital and financial plans while avoiding
significant rate fluctuations due to changes in cash flow requirements. The classification of reserve
fund balances shall be in conformance with Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Definitions.
Section 2.02. Definitions.
In accordance with GASB 54, the Board of Directors adopts the following classifications of fund
balance depicting the relative strength of the spending constraints placed on the purposes for which
resources can be used:
A. Non -spendable fund balance—Amounts either not in spendable form, or legally or
contractually required to be maintained intact. This would include inventory,
prepaids, and non-current receivables.
B. Restricted fund balance— Amounts constrained either externally by creditors (such
as through debt covenants), grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations of other
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governments; or imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling
legislation. This would generally include amounts in bonded capital projects funds,
debt service funds, and program funds funded with federal program dollars.
C. Committed fund balance—Amounts that are committed for specific purposes by
formal action of the Board of Directors. Amounts classified as "committed" are not
subject to legal enforceability like restricted fund balance; however, those amounts
cannot be used for any other purpose unless the Board removes or changes the
limitation by taking the same form of action it employed to previously impose the
D. Assigned fund balance—Amounts intended to be used by the District for a specific
purpose. Intent can be expressed by the Board of Directors or by an official or body
to which the Board of Directors delegates the authority. The Finance Manager is
authorized by the Board of Directors to assign fund balance to a specific purpose as
approved by this fund balance policy. Assigned fund balance includes:
1. For the General Fund, the amounts assigned by the Finance Director intended to
be used for specific purposes. The amounts reported as assigned should not result
in a deficit in unassigned fund balance.
2. For all governmental funds other than the General Fund; these are all remaining
positive amounts (except for negative balances) that are not classified as non -
spendable and are neither restricted nor committed. However, if there is a
negative balance after classifying amounts as non -spendable, restricted, or
committed, the fund would report a negative amount as Unassigned and zero to
be reported as Assigned.
E. Unassigned fund balance - Amounts remaining after applying the above definitions.
Amounts are available for any purpose; these amounts are reported only in the general
fund. Planned spending in the subsequent year's budget would be included here unless
formally committed or assigned.
Section 2.03. Reserve Targets and Balances.
The Reserve Policy is based on either percentage targets or days of operation; all associated dollar
figures represent estimated/projected targets based on either the percentage target or days of
operation target set by the Reserve Policy. Reserve Targets and balances shall be adopted as part
of the annual budget.
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Section 2.04. Monitoring and Reporting Use of Reserve Funds
The General Manager shall perform a review and analysis of each designated reserve fund for
presentation to the Board of Directors at a public meeting during consideration of the annual
budget by the Board of Directors. Upon determination that a fund balance is less than the
established target fund level, the General Manager shall inform the Board of Directors. Any
requests to the Board of Directors for the use of reserves will be accompanied by a current status
report of the affected reserve fund and impacts on the future reserve levels.
Section 2.05. Reserve Expenditures
Unless specified otherwise in the Reserve Policy, expenditures from any reserve requires District
Board action to appropriate the funds. The General Manager may recommend reserve expenditures
through the budget process or at District Board meetings for the Board of Directors consideration
and approval.
Section 2.06. Replenishment of Reserves
Should a reserve fall below the targeted reserve level set forth in this Reserve Policy, the General
Manager will develop a plan to replenish the reserve in a reasonable timeframe. The proposed plan
will be presented to the Board of Directors as part of the subsequent fiscal year budget.
Section 2.07. Deviations from the Reserve Policy
No deviations from the Reserve Policy will be allowed except as approved by the Board of
Directors. Proposed exceptions to the Reserve Policy will be reviewed by the General Manager
and District Finance Manager. After their timely review and recommendation, the proposed
exception will be presented to the Board of Directors for action.
Section 2.08. Reserve Policy Review and Update
The District's General manager will present this Reserve Policy to the Board of Directors at least
biennially to determine if changes are necessary to ensure the Policy is effective and remains
current with general accounting and financial best practice standards, and to address any regulatory
changes that may become applicable after adoption of this Policy. Any changes, additions, or
deletions to this Reserve Policy will be by formal action of the Board of Directors.
Section 2.09. Fund Balance Spending Order
Unless legally prohibited, the District will spend the most restricted funds before less restricted
funds in the following order:
1. Non -spendable — if the funds become spendable
2. Restricted
3. Committed
4. Assigned
5. Unassigned
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Section 3.01. Reserve Funds
The Board of Directors hereby establishes and designates the following reserve funds: Operating
Reserves; Rehabilitation and Replacement Reserves; Equipment Replacement Reserves;
Emergency Reserves; Debt Service Reserves; and Rate Stabilization Reserves.
Section 3.02. Operating Reserves
A. The purpose of Operating Reserves is to accumulate sufficient reserve funds
necessary to satisfy the general cash flow demands and requirements of the District.
There can be a significant length of time between when a system provides a service
and when a customer may pay for that service. In addition to timing, the volume of
cash flow can be affected by weather and seasonal demand patterns. This reserve
fund will preserve credit worthiness, ensure adequate financial resources are
available for timely payment of District obligations, and provide liquidity throughout
the fiscal year. This funds GASB 54 classification is assigned fund balance.
B. The District should maintain Operating Reserves equivalent to at least forty-five (45)
days budgeted operating requirements to mitigate potential cash flow problems.
Operating Reserves will not normally exceed the equivalent of ninety (90) days
budgeted operating requirements.
C. The General Manager is authorized to approve the expenditure of Operating Reserves
in response to day-to-day cash flow requirements that are in accordance with the
Board of Directors approved policy and budget authorizations.
Section 3.03. Capital Reserves
A. Rehabilitation and Replacement Reserves
1. The purpose of Rehabilitation and Replacement Reserves is to fund unplanned or
accelerated infrastructure rehabilitation or replacement needs when assets wear
out before their expected useful life ends or when a utility desires to accrue for
its future rehabilitation and replacement needs on a pay-as-you-go basis. These
reserves may also be used as a source of funds for cash funding for the utility's
Capital Improvement Program (CIP), or to set aside funds for intermediate to
Tong -term future replacement of major assets not included in the CIP.
Rehabilitation and Replacement Reserves may be used to provide a cushion to
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absorb capital cost overruns that might otherwise require debt issuance and/or
rate increases. This funds GASB 54 classification is assigned fund balance.
2. Each adopted budget of the District may contain a transfer from the general fund
to the Rehabilitation and Replacement Reserves in an amount approved by the
Board of Directors.
3. The General Manager is authorized to approve the expenditure of Rehabilitation
and Replacement Reserves, without prior approval of the Board of Directors, in
accordance with approved policy and budget authorizations.
B. Equipment Replacement Reserves
1. The purpose of Equipment Replacement Reserves is to accumulate the probable
replacement cost of equipment each year over the life of the asset, so it can be
replaced readily when it becomes obsolete, is totally depreciated or is scheduled
for replacement. Assets defined as equipment include vehicles, pumps, computer
equipment, office equipment, mechanical equipment, laboratory equipment, and
other similar equipment with an expected life typically in the range of as few as
five (5) to as many as forty (40) years. Annual depreciation is calculated as a
function of the depreciation schedule maintained within the District's financial
management software. These are GASB 34 replacement funds and the GASB 54
classification is assigned funds.
2. The source of funding for this reserve shall be in the form of an annual operating
expense (transfer) to the Equipment Replacement Reserves. The desired balance
is determined by the GASB 34 replacement schedule.
3. The General Manager is authorized to approve the expenditure of Equipment
Replacement Reserves, without prior approval of the Board of Directors, in
accordance with approved policy and budget authorizations.
C. Emergency Capital Reserves
1. Emergency Capital Reserves are essentially "insurance" against unanticipated
emergencies, failure of the utility's most vulnerable system components, and
liability from District activities that are not insured through other mechanisms.
This reserve provides funding to ensure timely emergency repairs or
replacements, and continued operation of the District's essential services during
periods of natural disasters and/or other emergencies that potentially threaten the
Resolution No. 2024-0918C Cash Reserve Policy 70f9
health, safety or welfare of District customers, residents, or employees and for
which immediate corrective action is necessary. Emergency Capital Reserves
may be used when capital improvement funds have otherwise been purposefully
spent down to a preset limit on planned projects. They will not be used to meet
operating shortfalls or to fund new programs or personnel. This funds GASB 54
classification is committed fund balance.
2. The Emergency Capital Reserves funding level is based on the historical records
and the experience of the utility in dealing with such emergencies and disasters.
Determining the emergency reserve funding level is also a function of
management objectives and overall system reliability.
3. The General Manager is authorized to approve the expenditure of Emergency
Capital Reserves, without prior approval of the Board of Directors, in accordance
with District policy. Upon expenditure of any Emergency Capital Reserves, the
General Manager shall notify the Board of Directors at the earliest possible
4. Expenditures from Emergency Capital Reserves which are subsequently
recovered, either partially or fully, from FEMA, insurance and/or any other
sources, shall be utilized solely for refunding Emergency Capital Reserves.
Section 3.04. Debt Service Reserves
A. Debt Service Reserves are those funds that relate to the management of the District's
outstanding bonded indebtedness. Establishment of a debt service reserve is typically
legally required by the covenants and indentures of the District's revenue bonds and
may be required by some general obligation bonds. The establishment of a debt
reserve provides security to the bondholders that adequate funds will be available to
pay the debt service obligations, even under a distressed situation. This funds GASB
54 classification is restricted reserve fund balance.
B. Debt Service Reserves will be funded, maintained and expended only in accordance
with the terms of the orders or resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors
authorizing the issuance of the District's revenue obligations. Authorization to
expend the Debt Service Reserves is restricted to the Board of Directors.
Section 3.05. Rate Stabilization Reserves
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A. The purpose of Rate Stabilization Reserves is to establish a means to provide cash
reserves that can be used to meet revenue requirements while gradually increasing
rates over time to the level necessary for the utility to be financially sustainable. This
fund buffers the impacts of unanticipated fluctuations or revenue shortfalls and
should be capable of defraying the need for an immediate rate increase to cover the
cost of an unanticipated rise in expenses. Unexpected fluctuations can include, but
are not limited to an economic downturn, unanticipated increases in other utility
expenses, and/or other extraordinary circumstances. This funds GASB 54
classification is committed fund balance.
B. District should maintain Rate Stabilization Reserves equivalent to the historical year
with the lowest water usage and set the reserve equal to the difference in revenue that
would result from using the lowest water usage year versus the most recent year or a
typical year based on current rates. Each adopted budget of the District may contain
a transfer from the general fund to the Rate Stabilization Reserves in an amount
approved by the Board of Directors.
C. Transfer of funds from Rate Stabilization Reserves requires the Board of Directors
approval. After transfer, the General Manager is authorized to approve the
expenditure of those funds, in accordance with District policy and budget
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Section 3. The General Manager is authorized to do all things necessary and proper to
evidence the Board's adoption of this Order and to carry out the intent hereof. Upon execution, a
permanent copy of this Order shall be filed in the permanent records of the District.
Section 4. That the Finance Manager is hereby authorized to perform the functions required
by the attached Reserve Policy.
ADOPTED, PASSED AND APPROVED this 18"' day of September 2024.
Doug Harper, Secre
Board of Directors
Kevin R. Carr, President
Board of Directors
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